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Sexual Health Issues, Why Do Many Women Refrain From Discussing These With Their Doctors? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)

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Sexual Health Issues, Why Do Many Women Refrain From Discussing These With Their Doctors? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)
Sexual Health Issues, Why Do Many Women Refrain From Discussing These With ...
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Patty shares why many women don't talk about sexual health issues with their physicians.

Patty Brisben:
I think women are very uncomfortable. You know, you take over 95% of women who go into their health care provider with a specific question regarding sexual health, these women chicken out before they even get into the examining room, you know, with their question because they feel embarrassed, they feel their question will be dismissed, they feel like they are not going to get the answers that they are seeking and so therefore, they don’t, many-many times women will just suffer in silence and not even ask their health care providers. They are not comfortable with it.

So many of our health care providers only have anywhere from three to ten hours of human sexuality, so they are not even equipped to answer these questions.

About Patty Brisben:
Patty Brisben is the CEO and Founder of Pure Romance, Inc., one of the fastest growing woman-to-woman businesses in the world. As a leading party planning company specializing in relationship enhancement products, Pure Romance is improving the quality of sexual health and awareness for women and couples everywhere.

Visit Patty at The Patty Brisben Foundation

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