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Do You Have A Favorite Patient Success Story? - Dr.Reitzel (VIDEO)

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Do You Have A Favorite Patient Success Story? - Dr.Reitzel (VIDEO)
Do You Have A Favorite Patient Success Story? - Dr.Reitzel (VIDEO)
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Dr. Reitzel shares a memorable labor and delivery patient success story.

Dr. Reitzel:
Perhaps the best story that I can relate to you would be a young couple, first baby, wide eyed, scared to death. They didn’t have the option to go into any childbirth classes whatsoever, and for whatever reason they latched on to me and we bonded on a level.

I was cutting up and laughing with dad, which instantaneously made him at ease and then he was much more receptive to the needs of his wife.

As a consequence she was absolutely mortified over the fact that somebody was going to see the small of her back, especially when I went to place the epidural. Again, it’s not like we had a Boy Scout trip that needed a mere magic. We weren’t going to have 15 kids coming in.

But being able to talk them through to educate them, to show them this is what we are going to do and have a positive outcome and in the fact that it actually came out the way that I said, no one lying to them.

They came back after the delivery process. I bumped into the dad in the cafeteria two days later. He pulls me aside, shakes my hand and says, “Thank you. You have really made a difference to me. We are so happy. The baby is doing fine. Mom is doing fine. You took a relatively stressful period in my life and made it non-stressful, thank you.”

And as a consequence that was a very positive, and that’s when I finally said, “You know, I think I can do this.”

About Dr. Keith E. Reitzel:
Dr. Keith Eric Reitzel, M.D., is the Clinical Director at Anesthesia Resources, Ltd. in Tempe, Arizona. Dr. Reitzel is certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology and he is certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). Additionally, he is on the Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Surgery Committees at Banner Desert Medical Center. Dr. Reitzel is licensed in Arizona, as well as North Carolina.

Epidural, anesthesia

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