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Are Epidurals Stigmatized? - Dr. Reitzel (VIDEO)

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Are Epidurals Stigmatized? - Dr. Reitzel (VIDEO)
Are Epidurals Stigmatized? - Dr. Reitzel (VIDEO)
18 of 20 : Current video

Dr. Reitzel shares if there is a social stigma around women who choose an epidural over natural childbirth.

Dr. Reitzel:
Well, the reason why I say natural childbirth as compared to unnatural childbirth, you know what they call women who get epidurals, don’t you - moms.

The pain that a mom has or a laboring woman has is totally different. What hurt for your mom may not hurt you. And the contrary it may be true. You may have a higher pain threshold than your mom did, and I have seen it both ways.

If you have a family that no one has ever gotten an epidural, people get pressure, well, you’ve got to natural without it. Well that’s not fair because I have seen with the other ways, too. “Everybody has got an epidural, what do you mean you want to do natural, what’s wrong with you?”

There’s nothing wrong, okay? Play it by ear. Know what your options are, have fun with the whole process. This is an exciting time.

This is the beginning of the next phase of most people’s life. It’s a happy time. People don’t need to get hung up on whether or not my mom is going to think that I am less of a woman because I didn’t get an epidural, or I did get an epidural.

It doesn’t matter. Focus on the experience. Have an open mind and ask questions. No one is going to fault you for asking questions.

About Dr. Keith E. Reitzel:
Dr. Keith Eric Reitzel, M.D., is the Clinical Director at Anesthesia Resources, Ltd. in Tempe, Arizona. Dr. Reitzel is certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology and he is certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). Additionally, he is on the Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Surgery Committees at Banner Desert Medical Center. Dr. Reitzel is licensed in Arizona, as well as North Carolina.

Epidural, anesthesia

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