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7 Healthy Gift Ideas for Your Mom This Mother's Day

By HERWriter
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2) Mom's Lunch

A shrimp stir fry with or without rice makes a nice companion piece to homemade vegetable soup or clam chowder.

Or toss together cooked slices of beef, pork or lamb with spinach, rings of red onion, tomatoes and feta cheese.

A chicken Caesar salad is great with or without croutons. Use real bacon bits.

If you're feeding a crowd, putting together a healthy cheese, veggie and meat platter can fill the bill.

The possibilities for healthy dips are endless, using ingredients like guacamole, hummus and sour cream.


Seems like so many traditional Mother's Day treats and gift ideas are less than healthy options. Chocolate? Heavy desserts in the form of cakes, pies and cookies? Boxes of candy?

Come on, now. If you love her, don't put these things in front of her.

It's OK to shake things up and do something new, especially when the old stuff is liable to make her feel fat or sick. Here's your chance to contribute to the robust well-being of your mom, and make it fun and appealing.

My leaning toward low-carb foods will be evident, but there's no reason you can't take the general direction of healthy eating and run with it in your own directions.

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