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Hi, I am Ellie Whiten from Townson, MD. Working with Top NYC consulting engineers by helping them design controls projects. Have years of experience in HVAC Controls and Building Automation water heater repair brampton systems/solutions. Passionate about exploring new places and interesting things. To truly live is the greatest adventure there is.

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Townson, MD United States


Whether you enjoy a cold brew, a latte, or a double shot of espresso, if you've landed on this page, chances are you are an enthusiastic fan of coffee. And so, in honor of International Coffee Day on September 29 (which we know you'll be celebrating), we’ve rounded up the best funny coffee quotes and caffeine-related humor we could find on the internet. Just make sure you have a fresh pot brewing nearby: After reading through these delightful sayings, you'll definitely be ready to fill up your mug.

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