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Take the Pledge to Protect Your Skin --“Don’t Fry Day,” May 22

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Medical News Report: During National Skin Cancer Awareness month, we are encouraged to take extra precautions on the first annual “Don’t Fry Day,” the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. Sun safety tips are being offered by the Amercian Cancer Society and the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention, cosponsors of the event.

An easy way to remember sun safety awareness is “Slip! Slop! Slap! And Wrap—slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat, and wrap on sunglasses,” writes the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention.

“More than 1 million skin cancers are diagnosed each year in the United States,” according to the American Cancer Society. That’s more than the total cancer cases of the breast, lung, colon, uterus, ovaries, prostate and pancreas combined.

Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun are the primary cause of most skin cancers, although the same damaging rays are produced from tanning beds or sun lamps. To best protect yourself, combine all of the following recommended steps:

1. Cover up. Wear broad-brim hats and long-sleeved, lightweight shirts when possible.
2. Use at least SPF 15 sunscreen and lip balm. Use lavishly, and reapply often.
3. Wear sunglasses with at least 99% absorption of both UVA and UVB light.
4. Avoid the sun between 10 am and 4 pm whenever possible.
5. Don’t use tanning beds or sun lamps; try self-tanning lotions instead.

For more information on Don’t Fry Day, skin cancer prevention and early detection, see the following articles and links.

Article Links:
American Cancer Society, 2009. “Skin Cancer Prevention and Early Detection,”

National Council on Cancer Prevention, 2009. “Don’t Fry Day,” web page:

Related EmpowHer Links:
Skin Cancer Types, Prevention and Treatments:

“Keeping Skin Cancer at Bay, “

“Sun Protection: Don’t Get Burned,”

Contributed by: D. Jenkins, Ph.D.

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EmpowHER Guest

May is Melanoma Awareness Month. You can make a difference. Schedule an appoinment with a friend today to see a dermatologist for a skin exam, it could really save your life. Each person you convince to stop using tanning beds, is a life you could be saving. Aqua Tan is the healthy alternative for a GORGEOUS GLOW! They are running a special this month. Send them the email address of anyone you can convince to stop using tanning beds and they’ll send you a 5% off coupon. You can sign the tanning bed petition in their on-line Skin Cancer Resource Center. As a SPECIAL THANK YOU for helping save lives they are extending a 10% discount to customers. Just Enter Coupon Code: ISAVELIVES at check out. http://www.aqua-tan.com.

May 25, 2009 - 7:23pm
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