How many children is the perfect number for your family? This was a common discussion that I frequently found myself having with friends. After having a second child, we all seemed to struggle with decision of adding to our families.

For me, something strange happens when my babies turn one. As I carefully fold and pack away the newborn clothes, I feel the soft cotton and can’t help but lift them to my face to take in the gentle Dreft fragrance. Just like that, the baby urge hits me. Not that my husband and I suddenly take action to have another one but it gets me thinking.

Also, one year is about the time that it takes for a Mother to forget about the challenges that a newborn can bring. The sleepless nights. The long, endless eating schedule. Your breasts that are still connected to your body but no longer belong to you. Suddenly, the tiny person that needed you for everything, now wants to walk and do things without your help. As they explore their independence, you watch your baby slip away from you. You begin to regain some freedom and realize that you are doing a pretty good job as a Mom. Why stop now?

So when are you ready for another baby? And how many is enough? In talking with friends, one thing is certain, MAKING the decision to try and have another baby is a scary thing. You are committing to changing your life. It is wonderful, yes, but there is no turning back.

After our second son turned one, as always, I began to think how wonderful it would be to have another baby. Another year went by before my husband and I actually began to discuss it. We never seemed to be thinking the same thing at the same time. At times, I thought we should have another baby. He wasn’t sure. Other times, he was the one that wanted another child. I didn’t agree.

We went through all the logical points. Could we financially support another baby? How would it affect our other children? Was I at an age where I felt comfortable having another baby? As we made lists and tried to lay out the pros and cons of adding to our family, I started to wonder if we just needed to follow our hearts. I had forgotten that a baby is made out of love.

In a time of “Jon and Kate plus Eight” and “Octa -Mom,” I think most Moms would be satisfied with less than eight children. But the question still remains, how many children is the right amount for your family? Does your internal clock ever stop ticking?