Has Cervical Cancer Affected Your Life?
Thanks to trace5 for starting this Group!
If cervical cancer has had an impact on your or a loved one, please share your story! If we can help or support someone going through this kind of cancer, let us know - we're here to help!

Hello Susan ;) Thank you for your quick and great response at that. Very much appreciated, I just dont know how I do this to mydelf time and time again, you know I have been through so much and still I try to please others instead of myself and instead of thinking what is best for me and what will make me happy. Thank you for comfirming that thinking of myself would not in any way be selfish cause sometimes thats how I feel when I think of me first. I always put others first, So I never realized the cost of that procedure which you can imagine being a single mom to say I cannot ever afford that, yah I thought the same about him knowing about me when he decided to be with me so perhaps he is ok with this you know, Of course he didnt know right away when he met me however hasnt left me yet and he has known for some time, sometimes I wonder though, like I said he only has one child and stated more than once that whats he gonna do just have no more children? Well it makes me feel guilty and I think Im at a point in my life where I cant do this anymore you know I am ready to be with someoen ad settle down, you made me realize that if this holds him back from being with me then perhaps hes not the one for me and does not love me as he says he does, anyhow thanks again for the response I think I am just going to let the situation be and hey well If I cant I cant right!! I would have hoped that he was happy I am alive and well you know.....God Bless and thank you again ;)
December 19, 2011 - 7:38amThis Comment

Hello well I am 29 decided to join this group and share my story and feedback from others since the issue seems to arise, So I have four beautiful children and with my last child who is now almost 2, I had a pap that came back abnormal and soon to find out it was cervial cancer, first was the cone biopsy then the hysterectomy which I still have my ovaries which isnt very great cause I have pain a lot from the cysts bursting since my body of course is still trying to get me pregnet anyhow the hormonal thing I am grateful for....It really hasnt been an issue for me since the cancer is now gone and I thank God daily for that, however I was single and now I have found myself to meet a very very good man and he only has one child, although he loves mine, the question has came up about him sharing a child with me which is impossible since I had a hysterectomy and cannot have children, It has cause me to be depressed and sad and feel as If I am robbing him of something, I think he may feel the same way, being that I have my ovaries cant I still conceive like with a surrogate you know where they take my eggs insert his sprerm and someone just carrys the child for us since I have no cervix? Im sad and depreassed over the health situation but I never thought that i would want more kids since again I have four ;)
December 17, 2011 - 8:46pmThis Comment
Susan, I've been tested for all STI,they've all came back negative.as I stated in the post above I have had a form of hpv wich turned into cancer they treated me with cryotherapy & a biopsy I returned with a pap every 6 months & now this.. my mother had fibroids & my grandma had cervical cancer both had surgery..
My Doctor called me today,the results are in he wants me to come in 4.25.11 & talk about treatment said its not looking good
April 14, 2011 - 12:42pmThis Comment
Abnormal pap 6 yrs ago now in Pain! waiting for my Ultrasound results
Hey I'm Jen,27 yrs young with 2 kids.when I was pregnant with my daughter 6 yrs ago the doc told me my pap came back abnormal I was frightened by what I heard,he then told me that because I was pregnant there was nothing that he could do until I had the baby.after my beautiful baby girl was born I then had a biopsy 1year after also followed the biopsy was cryotherapy which I found very uncomfortable everything went well after that up until march of 2010 is when the pain came excruciating ohboy! I began to have pain in my lower back as well as my lower abdominal area & pain with intercourse aswell as blood.my days are interrupted by pain & fatigue.uncontrollable discharge along with odor.I called my doctor an scheduled an appt then he told me test looked good everything is fine but he's concerned so he scheduled me an appointment to have an ultrasound wich was 4.07.11 I'm waiting for my results & Im so worried about what there gonna find! he asked do I have any kids & do I expect to have anymore..does any one else have any idea on what's gonna happen next..any support is welcome thanx.
J.Sheppherd Diagnosed with Cervical cancer 2005 Stage 0 carcinoma in situ.cryotherapy cone biopsy..in pain lower back abdominal region
Hello all,
I was just diagnosed with cervical cancer on Monday and had an MRI Wednesday and waiting to go see the oncologist Friday of next week. Can anyone share what I should expect from that appointment and or how to prepare myself. The week of waiting for that appointment will be hard enough but the unknown is killing me
February 17, 2012 - 7:54pmThis Comment