why I'm here
Well first of all my name is Jessica. When I typed my name for some reason it wouldn't go through. So I thought I was supposed to make up a name I wrote Alone and it worked. The name is fitting though because this how I often feel. For the past few years something has felt off. I am a sensitive person who wears their heart on her sleeve but now a days I am an emotional wreck. It seems like I can't have a normal conversation without breaking out in tears, like now as I type this. It doesn't matter whether I'm talking about good or bad I get emotional. I cry 85% of the time. I have no control, it doesn't matter where I am. Walking down the street or talking to my child's teacher, it makes no difference. I always feel sad or angry. I feel happiness at times but it's brief and usually because of my children. My highs are high, but my lows are LOW and are much more frequent. I feel like life is passing me by. I almost feel paralysed at times. I literally just can't get up and do what I need to. I have no energy or drive anymore. I usually wanna be under the comfort of a blanket. If I didn't have children I know there would be days when I wouldn't leave my bed. I beat myself up because I know I should do more, I want to do more but I can't. My sleep is off. It's hard to fall asleep usually but it's harder to stay asleep. These are some of the things I am dealing with and I'm here hoping that I will find someone that can somewhat relate.
Although it may be your username here, you are not alone. Many people feel the same way. Depression causes these horrible symptoms like sleeplessness, or sleeping too much, or not being able to do anything 'productive'. I would be honoured if you would join my group here 'Mood Disorders'. It is new and doesn't have many members, but I think with more knowledgeable and experienced people such as yourself, it will attract more members to get help. Thanks and take care! https://www.empowher.com/groups/Mood-Disorders-0
September 6, 2015 - 10:03amThis Comment