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Four Reasons Your Teeth Chatter Other Than Weather

By December 16, 2016 - 4:34am

In the winter, especially in the north, the cold weather will cause your teeth to chatter. While short periods of time having your teeth chatter is not harmful, you need to be aware of chattering teeth that aren’t related to the cold weather. Chattering teeth in the cold weather is the body’s normal response to being cold. Here are reasons why your teeth might be chattering when it isn’t cold.

Stress -- Anxiety, stress and panic cause people to endure a number of responses. When the stress level reaches a peak, you will find that you feel your heart pounding, your blood pressure increased, your head aches, your stomach is nauseated and your teeth chatter. If you are experiencing high amounts of stress or you have anxiety or panic attacks, you should talk with your doctor to discuss ways of calming yourself. If the stress is manifesting itself in problems with your teeth, you should take action to protect your dental health. Even if you don’t have a panic disorder, trauma or extreme fear also can cause you to have chattering teeth. Try to relax your mind and keep your dental health in top shape.
Teeth grinding -- Not all teeth grinding is related to clenching of the jaw. Sometimes, grinding causes a chatter-like spasm. Clenching and grinding, also known as bruxism, can do serious damage to your teeth over time. If you hear chattering at night, make sure you visit your dentist so he or she might alleviate this problem and save your dental health.
Brain disorders -- Teeth chattering when you aren’t cold could be a sign that you are in early stages of Parkinson’s disease or other neurological disorder. This disease also comes with tremors. Tourette’s Syndrome might also have you clicking or chomping of your teeth or involuntary jaw movements. Visit your dentist or doctor if you can’t figure out what is causing your teeth chattering.
Medications -- Side effects to many medicines might cause you to have chattering teeth. Medications for cancer, asthma and blood pressure could have you trembling, which would lead to teeth chattering. Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol or nicotine include trembling, which would have your teeth chattering. If you’re on a medication and notice that your teeth are chattering, ask your doctor about the possible side effects. Before you quit your medicine, ask your doctor whether it is OK. If you’re trying to quit smoking or drinking and notice trembling or other side effects, continue with your goal. Eventually, you will find ways to get through the dangerous time. Your teeth chattering will go away.

While teeth chattering is not bad in the short term, it could cause you problems if it continues when it isn’t supposed to happen. To protect your teeth and gums, you need to ensure you are taking care of your oral health. You should be brushing regularly (at least twice daily), flossing (at least once daily) and using dental rinse (at least once daily). Visit your dentist regularly too.

By Guide December 29, 2016 - 5:24pm

Most people might not relate teeth chattering to (certain) brain disorders, so this is good to know.
A few times in my life, I was actually cold enough that my teeth chattered. It's not a pleasant thing!


December 29, 2016 - 5:24pm

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