It seems as if everyone is doing yoga. People are taking advantage of the practice not only for health benefits but also for their own enjoyment. While you may have heard of the vinyasa or hatha, classic forms of yoga are not your only options today. Here are five ways that people are enjoying yoga today.

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Yoga apps- Sometimes it’s difficult to find the perfect group of people to help you as you go about your yoga journey. Yoga apps are a great way for you have experience and learn about the practice without the pressure of others around you. Having access to various apps on your phone can make doing yoga personalized and fun.


Hot Yoga- Hot yoga is one of the latest popular ways to exercise. Stretching in such a hot environment isn’t just meant to make you sweat more. The warm temperatures can help your breathing and is a great way to stretch through any tightness or pain in your body.


Rage Yoga- According to the website rage yoga is “a practice involving stretching, positional exercises and bad humor, with the goal of attaining good health and to become zen as f**k.” If you like the idea of yoga but are more prone to drinking and swearing, this may be the type of yoga for you. Lindsay Istace created rage yoga after dealing with a rough breakup and found that the cuss words and letting out her emotions while in practice really helped her.

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Power Yoga- Power yoga is a fitness-based form of the traditional practice. You probably have seen these types of classes in a gym near you. Power yoga classes can be a little different wherever you go, but no matter what you can expect to have a more intense flowing session of yoga.


Yoga Festivals- If you would like to join others in a time for relaxation and meditation, finding a yoga festival near you might be the best thing to do. Throughout the year, different organizations such as Wanderlust and Telluride come together and form festivals for people to enjoy various types of yoga as a community.


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