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What are my chances of getting pregnant if i missed one pill and made it up ASAP?

By Anonymous October 5, 2009 - 2:02pm
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I missed one pill Thursday night, in my third week, but made it up as soon as i woke up on Friday morning. I also took my pill about 3 hours late on Saturday night, which would have been my last active pill. My boyfriend and I had sex soon after. We used a condom, but it broke. He had already went shortly before we had sex. He went inside of me not knowing the condom broke, but he barely went. What are my chances of getting pregnant?

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EmpowHER Guest

Hi please help me im kind of freaking out.

I am taking diane 35, and did not take my pill on the 13th day. I remembered it only on the 14th day of pills at the time of taking it, where I only took the pill for that night. I continued as regular, meaning i have one missed pill on my pack. on the 16th - 19th days however, had sex with boyfriend and he came inside me all these times. Am I safe? I am now on the second day of the pill-free break. I have taken the entire pack exactly at the same time however missed that one day.

Please let me know. I need help.

Thank you.

January 31, 2016 - 12:39am
EmpowHER Guest

I take my combined pill at 8pm everyday. I am on the second week, i ate my pill on Monday, forgot on Tuesday, and ate two pills together at 8pm on Wednesday. I had intercourse without protection on Wednesday and Thursday. Am i at risk?

January 28, 2016 - 2:04pm
EmpowHER Guest

I was supposed to start a new pack Sunday but couldn't take my pill until Tuesday so I took 2 pills Tuesday and 2 today which is Wednesday. I had unprotected sex and my boyfriend finished in me. Should I be worried? I've been on the pill for almost a year now

January 27, 2016 - 3:47pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, I missed a day last month in my birth control in the 2nd week but made it up the next day as soon as I remembered & I had unprotected sex the first week of this month but we don't know if he went inside me , could I be pregnant?

January 27, 2016 - 3:11pm

I missed a pill during my first week (it was day 2) by like 7 hours (it was on a Saturday), and took it when I remembered and I took one on Sunday. The next day me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex, but he didn't 'go' inside of me. Is there any chance I could become pregnant??

January 24, 2016 - 4:21pm
EmpowHER Guest

Good morning Am taking the combination pill which is 'perle' i am on my third week i took my pill Thursday night at 10 exactly my spouse and i had unprotected sex all night even in the morning he ejaculate in side me on all rounds however the next night wen am suppose to take the pill 10 pm that's Friday night i took i missed it and took it Saturday morning at 3 am am i at any chance of becoming pregnant

January 24, 2016 - 7:16am
EmpowHER Guest

I habe been on the pill for like 6 yra. But some how I forgot 2 pills not back to back I have now taken the whole week of inactive pills with no period can I be pregnant?

January 20, 2016 - 9:58pm

So I've been taking the pill for an year now and never miss it. Last week, on Tuesday I forgot to take the pill and the next day I only took the Wednesday pill (so only one pill). And on Friday I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend, forgetting about the missing pill of Tuesday. He did not came inside, but I know this can mean nothing as there could still be some sperm. Can I get pregnant if I didn't take it one day and didn't compensate on the next day? Could it have raise the pregnancy rate even tho i had sex 3 days later?

January 16, 2016 - 9:16pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, I have been on the pill for about a year now but last December, I missed a pill on day 6 and completely forgot to take it. I had sex on day 8 but continued taking the pills per usual. I only realised I missed a pill when there was one "extra" remaining. Could I get pregnant?

January 15, 2016 - 10:36am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

I assume that you have finished the active pills to have noticed one extra remaining pill. Have you started the inactive pills? Have you started having bleeding?

If so, then the bleeding confirms you did not become pregnant.


January 15, 2016 - 10:39am
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