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Tubes are tied but still concerned I could be pregnant. Period is MIA.

By Anonymous March 31, 2009 - 10:43am
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Hello and thank you in advance to all who try to help =)

I had my tubes tied after my last pregnancy (17 months ago) and since then I have not paid much attention to what day of the month my period starts. I do know I had my period in February (my guess is I started on the 14th or 21st - it was a Sat. and towards the later part of the month) and it's now going on April and I have not had a period. I know it's very unlikely that I could get pregnant after having my tubes tied BUT I conceived my three boys extremely easily. I'm just a fertile mertile ;) So, I do not doubt my bodies ability to get pregnant. I did take a pregnancy test last thursday (March 26) and it was negative. I don't currently have health insurance, if I did I would just make an appt to see my Doctor. What are your thoughts? Think I could be pregnant? FYI my periods are never late. If anything they come early and they last abour 7-8 days (ugh!!).

~ K

P.S. If I were indeed pregnant would I get a positive pregnancy test if it was an ectopic pregnancy?

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EmpowHER Guest

Hi I had my tubes tied 16 years ago and my period is late and I been feeling nause and hungry a lot. Can I be pregnant

January 27, 2015 - 6:19am
EmpowHER Guest

I believe that I truly need a ultrasound because I don't think it's gas in my stomach. I look like I'm 5 months pregnant, and that's kind of wierd to me. My stomach want go down and it's always hard. What does that mean? When I lay down it's a strong pulse, but I will schedule an ultrasound as soon as possible, so I can be at ease. Thanks again...

January 24, 2015 - 3:43pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, i have my tubes tied for 9yrs now but i feel sick like im pregnant. . I been havin dreams that im pregnant. . Can i get pregnant? ??

January 24, 2015 - 10:05am
EmpowHER Guest

Hii my tubes have been tied for eight years. I just recently about a week ago started feeling flurries in my lower abdomen. The last time I felt those I was pregnant. My sister says it could be gas? What you think??

January 23, 2015 - 7:00am
EmpowHER Guest

I am worried but I just had my period, but my boobies are so sore and im tired and just feel like i could be pregnant , I had my tubes tied 6 years ago, my boobies are never sore like this

January 20, 2015 - 2:25pm
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

Any changes in your body that cause you concern should be discussed with and evaluated by your physician. Talking with your doctor and scheduling an exam will give you peace of mind.


January 21, 2015 - 10:06am
EmpowHER Guest

I don't know what to think because I have been in this situation since August 2014. My tubes been tide for over 16 years and I still don't know what's going on with my body. I feel movement slot, and when I lay on my side I can feel a strong heartbeat. My cycle still comes on regularly, but it doesn't stay on for the full five days. I took two home pregnancy test, and both were negative, then I went to the doctor to get a blood pregnancy test, and that was negative also. My other alternative is an ultrasound, to know for sure what's moving around inside my tummy, and why their is such a strong heartbeat when I lay on my side. I really need some answers, so I can get the care that I need. Thanks...

January 20, 2015 - 5:22am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

It is possible that what you feel as a heartbeat may be your own pulse.

The descending aorta is the part of the aorta, the largest artery in the body, that runs down through the chest and the abdomen. If you place your hand over your abdomen you can feel the pulsation. You might be more aware of this when you lay on your side.

An ultrasound will definitely confirm if you are pregnant.


January 21, 2015 - 10:25am
EmpowHER Guest

To all u ladies I am too n the same boat my tubes have been tied for 5 years n I missed or had light show not sure I am gone get a test but I have talk to other women n they old me Depending on how the procedure was done u can get pregnant n after 10 years ur tubes can grow back . This was a hugh shock to me since the hospital I had my last two babies has closed n my Dr never gave me my papers on this now im worried 45 with kids ages 26,10, & 5 how im i gone tell him omg. good luck n God bless.

January 20, 2015 - 3:41am
EmpowHER Guest

I'm the same, I'm 38 I have an 18 year old. I have had my tubes tied for almost 15 years. I just went to the doctor this past Saturday and told her that I haven't had my period for January. To date I'm 16 days late and my nipples are super sensitive but I have no other symptoms of being pregnant. They did two tests in the office and both came back positive. I cried like shit. I go to the ob\gyn tomoro to get an ultrasound. I also googled my situation and the results is I could be pregnant or have a molar pregnancy (tumor) or have some type of cancer. The crazy part is that I really want this baby......

January 19, 2015 - 6:30pm
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