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My boyfriend wont have sex with me anymore

By December 17, 2009 - 8:02pm
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my boyfriend for over a year just recently stopped having sex with me, its like it went from 3 or 4 times a week and slowly went to not having it for almost 2 months, every time i ask him why he wont play with me anymore he always says i don't know, i didn't want to make it feel like i was bugging him but i guess it just hurt when he said he didn't know? So i kept asking him and then i finally got a response which i just think he gave me so i would stop asking and he just said i feel like your getting bored of me. I've tried many times to tell him that its not really about the sex its about being with him and he still wont have sex with me.. i feel like i'm not wanted or i'm not good enough. I just want to know what the problem is, sex used to be a big part of our relationship and now its nothing.

I know it shouldnt but this is really making me depressed i've been crying more because of this i get mad easly because he just seems like he doesnt care anymore. Also i know he doesn't have a STD or anything else we get checked.

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EmpowHER Guest

I'm just wondering why in my 6 year relationship we have sex every day and all a sudden we haven't had sex in over a week coz he is too tired but doesn't work!!!! He watches porn everyday tho. I'm really hurt and wonderingly something's wrong?!

November 27, 2012 - 11:18pm
EmpowHER Guest

My bf an I been together for 9years hen we met we had sex all the time but now nothin we don't even kiss its not me its him I have to wait like 1 or 2 months if I'm lucky when he's in the mood he only rather get a bj or if we do have sex he looks at tv or don't touch me we get along good as friends but he always says I do love u I cry it hurts inside cus I don't kno wats wrong an he tells me to don't cheat he knows I'm faithful even tho we ain't married help me plz wat to do wat to do

October 30, 2012 - 3:41am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

go out with ur girlfriends and forget about him start living life as a single woman. go out more get classes or gym go to night school anything. fill ur life with other things except him. my bf didnt know what was going on when i didnt have time for him anymore . that sorted him out now hes always calling up asking when im coming over :-)

October 27, 2013 - 4:34am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

This is absolutely not how to handle this. He is already mad at you and done with you to the point where he doesn't want to have sex with you. Ignoring him and going out with your friends to do "single life" stuff (whatever in the world you mean by that..) is going to push it the point of no return. That man isn't calling you because he loves you, he's doing it because he's terrified that if he doesn't then you will just go have sex somebody else. Terrible advice.

- a man.

June 17, 2015 - 8:24am
EmpowHER Guest

My bf an I been together for 9years hen we met we had sex all the time but now nothin we don't even kiss its not me its him I have to wait like 1 or 2 months if I'm lucky when he's in the mood he only rather get a bj or if we do have sex he looks at tv or don't touch me we get along good as friends but he always says I do love u I cry it hurts inside cus I don't kno wats wrong an he tells me to don't cheat he knows I'm faithful even tho we ain't married help me plz wat to do wat to do

October 30, 2012 - 3:39am
EmpowHER Guest

Ladies i feel your pain. My boyfriend and I have lived together for several months. At the beginning of our relationship he was totally into me and we used to kiss, have amazing sex and loved being around each other. Now when I go to kiss him he turns his head and kisses my cheak, rarely kisses my lips anymore and I have no problem being like "hey is there something wrong with my lips?" He just makes up excuses. We fight all the time because I feel ignored and he feels like Im disrespectful. Im 22 and he's 24 were way too young for these "dry spells" and I feel its much too early in our relationships for us to have lost the spark. I love him, and I always tell him that, but hes never once said it back to me, yet he insists that he cares for me more than I care about him. I am at my wits end with this. Im a sexual person whether its full out sex or even just a steamy make out session. I feel unattractive to him now because of the lack of physical contact. I dont know what to do anymore but its making me miserable in my relationship.

May 25, 2012 - 1:35am
EmpowHER Guest

Wow, after reading all these comments its really helped me out understanding what was going on in my own relationship. Diane Porter, if you could shine some light on my situation too I would greatly appreciate it. Im 23 and over weight. Im about 280. My body structure isn't bad looking but I am thick and short. My boyfriend 21 is very skinny and tall. I thought maybe that's why we were having problems in the bed room. We have only been together for about 9 months now and he has already stopped having sex with me. I went thru every possibility. Maybe is my weight? Maybe he's gay. Maybe he wants.someone else and has been cheating. I don't understand it. He was a virgin we we got together. Still lived with his parents. He moved in with me and since then.its been fight after fight. I ask him why and he.says he doesn't kno like he's scared to tell me. Or he says its cause we fight too much. It has to be more to it. There's Bo way that's the only reason. Everybody loves sex. We use to do all the time now never. I was recently diagnosed with bipolar. Maybe that's it. I think the time has cone to end the relationship. I truer but he refuses to leave. He says he really loves me and refuses to leave but I can't live like this anymore. I want someone who wants me. He won't let me go anywhere without him. Please help me.. how do I make him leave? Or fix wats going on?

not that good? Maybe he's gay. Maybe he wants someone else and has been cheating? Everything I could think of. We use to do it all the time. Not its never. I ask him why and he says the same thing every

March 3, 2012 - 4:08am
EmpowHER Guest

I probably need to write for the purpose of self therapy. I feel this blog has helped me to stop crying, however, when I'm done typing, it might spur up again. I have known my boyfriend since the beginning of 2010 and now we have been together for a little over 7 months. I have very strong feelings for him, and it has been times where I wanted to share the L word. My boyfriend is five years older than I and when were not together sex was a major part of our lives. Movies were as well. Both are not so much any more. I can care less about the movies, but since I thought of it while reading the posts here, I figure it may have some merit. We both work, and I go to school. This has been the case since we have started dating each other and I just don't see any difference that it could pose. I now live with him, and I love it!
I was sexually active before my current boyfriend and found out that I'm unable to really take it hard! So I really enjoy the romantic way of having sex, mainly because I will hurt during and after if any other way. Well he knows this, and I have always enjoyed having sex with him. Its just that its been so long since we have had it, I almost have been making myself feel that it was my idea. Making excuses like, oh well it hurts anyway when I do have sex with him, since he is very large! Well, today, he just left for work, and all morning I was trying to get some, and he would not budge.
We have had many a talks about this, and I have gotten reasons of he is not into the romantic kind of sex, he likes the freaky stuff more so than what we have done before, and I told him that I did not like for him to "toss my salad" one time when we were having an argument about this, and he just can't see himself doing this right now. He has also said things like, he feels that we are closer and closer everyday.

I mean we have had conversations about marriage, children an the whole nine yards, but there is no action. I give him these funny looks when things like this come on on tv or in general conversations, and he just smiles like opps that us. I don't know what to think. I ask him is he not attracted to me any more, and frankly i haven't changed a bit. He says that it is not that and basically does not want to speak of the matter anymore. I am so fed up. I'm so horny!!!!! I cant take it. It is getting so bad, i have started thinking of ex boyfriends, i could call. I feel so dirty and shameful, but dont know what else to do. this is the only downside to our relationship, everything else is lovely. I mean it too. I cant figure it out.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and if i don't get some, there is going to be some problems. now i feel like the man in the relationship. I mean some times i feel like he is not a man for acting this way. I have even had thoughts of him being on the DL or having another chick on the side. I cant imagine it but hey like we have all said in the post earlier, anything is possible. :(

February 29, 2012 - 4:10pm
EmpowHER Guest

I actually am just now having this issue with my bf. we have been dating for a little over a year now and he took my virginity away. Before, we would have sex once every other day. We both know I have a higher sex drive but it didn't really cause issues until recently. I was basically begging him to have sex with me these pasts couple of days and he said it was unattractive. We had an arguement yesterday about it ans i cried. He just didnt get that i need sex. When i go too long without sex its all i think avout when im qlone with mu bf. my body craves it and eventually i get really grumpy and irritable without it. I wish he hadn't tried so hard to get me to have sex in the first place when I was still a virgin because now I want it all the time and he doesn't. Sometimes he would rather masturbate Than have sex with me. What helped was I told him that I was going to stop having sex all together and gave him boundaries like he cant grab my butt or spoon with me, it gave me some power and made him want to rebel. We r also taking a few days to spend without each other so the pressure is gone. I'll see if that helps.

January 19, 2012 - 6:43am
EmpowHER Guest

I am going through the exact same thing with my boyfriend. We've been together for 16 months now and we've lived together for almost a year, we got together when I was 16 and I've just turned 18 (I live in the UK so it's all legal), and he is 22 (but acts like a 15 year old most of the time so the age difference actually seems like the other way around most of the time...).
When we first got together we had a really healthy sex life, but for the past 6 months or so it has been almost non existent. It's actually become a source of great anxiety and upset for me. I was a victim of sexual abuse (non-family member) in my early to mid teens and already suffer from mental health issues, I was utterly repulsed by sex after what happened to me and felt that it was dirty and was pretty terrified at the prospect of ever having a sexual relationship, but when I met my boyfriend I felt comfortable enough to try and let those thoughts go. It is still still difficult at times but I do enjoy sex and this sudden complete lack of it is really troubling me.
He has slept with over 25 people and has a reputation with all his friends of being a bit of a former womanizer, and a few months ago I found out that he'd been arranging to get together with his ex girlfriend online and had also been having sexually explicit conversations with another girl via facebook. It really upsets me that he won't have sex with me and yet he had been doing this behind my back (it obviously devastates me in other ways too but keeping it on topic...).
Just for the record, I am 100% sure that he is not being unfaithful and that he hasn't got any STDs.
I've asked him why he won't sleep with me various times and he just keeps making excuses up. He is now claiming that he has thrush and has even insisted on getting some cream for it (I know he hasn't as he's "had it" and been "using cream everyday" for about 3 weeks now and refuses to go to the doctors when I express my mock concern). The last time we had sex was 10 weeks ago the day after I found out about the girls on the internet.
He has said to me that he just doesn't get aroused anymore, and that it isn't me. He also uses the "I'm too tired from work" excuse like it's the holy grail, which would be plausible as he works long shifts and finishes about 12am every night, however, even when he's got 2 or 3 days off he still won't sleep with me.
I honestly don't know what to do. I absolutley adore him and we talk about getting married and having children in the future, we have a really solid relationship (apart from arguing about house work!) apart from this. I am so confused. I've heard about this happening to married couples ten years down the line but not just over a year and this young. What should I do?

January 14, 2012 - 3:55pm
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