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My boyfriend wont have sex with me anymore

By December 17, 2009 - 8:02pm
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my boyfriend for over a year just recently stopped having sex with me, its like it went from 3 or 4 times a week and slowly went to not having it for almost 2 months, every time i ask him why he wont play with me anymore he always says i don't know, i didn't want to make it feel like i was bugging him but i guess it just hurt when he said he didn't know? So i kept asking him and then i finally got a response which i just think he gave me so i would stop asking and he just said i feel like your getting bored of me. I've tried many times to tell him that its not really about the sex its about being with him and he still wont have sex with me.. i feel like i'm not wanted or i'm not good enough. I just want to know what the problem is, sex used to be a big part of our relationship and now its nothing.

I know it shouldnt but this is really making me depressed i've been crying more because of this i get mad easly because he just seems like he doesnt care anymore. Also i know he doesn't have a STD or anything else we get checked.

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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I have been through exactly the same thing. My boyfriend and I haven't had sex in 6 weeks. Its not the actual sex that I miss, its the intimacy. I love him and we are very close but I feel like I may as well be his best mate. Anyway, I broached the subject and let me tell you I wish I hadn't. He went nuts. Was so angry at me. Told me he was stressed with work and so tired and dealing with all sorts of other things in his life. We don't live together so you would think that he would want sex when we do actually sleep together. I am younger than him and am told I am attractive and sexy but I don't feel it now. I'm not sure of our future together now. i am not saying all this to put you off having the conversation but this is just the reaction that I got.

June 21, 2014 - 2:08pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Sat here crying
.....I don't think you could have said it any better.how I feel.I'm 38 my bf us 31.we never have sex.this morning he told me he didn't care anymore..
Feels the same as when I was raped on the 22nd Dec 2009 I feel worthless,dirty and horrid

...had enough off life and everything in it.

May 12, 2014 - 3:10am
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi I am in a similar situation - I too have gone through the complete soul-destroying experience of being raped and now, years later, every argument or difficulty I have with my boyfriend of 3 years I basically just blame myself. Tell myself I'm not good enough, that men are the ones who always want sex rather than the women so I must be so undesirable. But you know what? It's not us - it's these men who with hold sex and intimacy, making us feel worthless, alone and down-trodden. You get to a point where you start to think that being single and alone is better than being in a relationship and alone. So that's what I've done. I broke up with that sorry piece of **** three weeks ago, and I SWEAR I feel AMAZING!

He brought me down SO much by not wanting to be with me and I thought that I needed him - that I couldn't live without him but it came to a point where I was sick of being alone with him. If your man values you for the strong, beautiful woman that you really are (I know compliments are hard to hear but listen), then if you break up with him he will come crawling back. And if not?

I know you're probably thinking you feel afraid of being alone - well after reading your post you sound like you are feeling pretty alone already. Breaking up is the hardest thing, but sometimes things have to fall apart so better things can fall together. You will be okay. More than okay. You will find someone and you will be happy, just please allow yourself that!

Also, again, I know it's the last thing you want to do, but talk to a GP or a councillor or SOMEONE. bottling it up will destroy you - I myself very nearly took my own life more than once and years on I am free, happy and (between you and me) just started dating someone new :D I promise you everything will be okay. If you get this, maybe let me know how you are doing?

I wish you all the very best sweetie


July 7, 2014 - 9:01am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi I had this issue with my misses I rather play on computer blah blah. I just didnt want to sleep with her. I dont even no why but it broke our relationship up for 6months I had moved on with someone else. not all bad I lost loads weight got muscly and got my self confidence back. we back together now and 5yrs down line we dont have it everynight like when we first got back together. I just remember that it was a pain cause she only wanted sex in the bed, we go bed late and by then I cba. :)

January 26, 2014 - 4:55pm
EmpowHER Guest

It was getting me really down too cause I knew something must be wrong but when I asked him about he'd say he didn't know. Then if I pushed it he'd come up with an excuse like "I'm too old for sex" (he's 24) or "you don't make me feel sexy" (If I didn't think he was sexy why would I be desperately trying to figure out why he won't have sex with me). It's always a different reason and I know he's just saying it to make me drop the subject. It's so frustrating all I want is honesty whatever the reason. I even asked him to come to the doctors incase his lack of sex drive was medical to which he tells me he masturbates when I'm not around so it can't be that. It was driving me crazy especially cause he was acting like everything was fine and I was nagging him and being silly to feel insecure and worried about it.

I ended up writing him a list of things I love about him and things that pissed me off (probably not a good idea but I was so frustrated and I just needed him to know exactly how I felt). Things got better for a couple of weeks and i felt we were back to how it used to be but it didn't last long. The few friends I asked all said the same thing, if someone doesn't want to have sex with the person they love for a long period of time, there's something wrong. As much as I didn't want to believe it, I can't avoid how right they were. Anytime I stopped wanting to have a sex with a guy I loved it was because I didn't love them like that anymore or I was in love with someone else. Now I just need to accept it and move on cause he's too weak to do it for himself. I hope it worked out for you...if it did and you have any hints let me know : P

November 7, 2013 - 4:15pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hello ladies, I'm so glad I stumbled upon this page while researching on my latest life issue. Before reading your comments, I thought I was the only one with this issue. I'm 24 and my bf is 25. We have been dating for three and a half years. When we first started dating, he was definitely the best sex I had ever had!! We would go on for hours and simultaneously climax in one session. For the past two years, our sec life has completely gone down the drain. At first it led me to have an affair. I completely regret it every day of my life, but I did realize it was the absence of sex that pushed me over that edge. In he past two years, if we had sex 20 times, i might be exaggerating. Worse part is, in the past two years, he hasn't given me an orgasm. I started masturbating but lately it doesn't work. I yearn for the touch of a man and an orgasm given to me by someone other than my friendly vibrator. I have wet dreams constantly and I'm afraid to drink out of fear I will cheat again. Now I have tried being sexy, I've talked about it, Even the lingerie. But he always says he is tired or that he doesn't feel like it. However, I know h is constantly watching porn. We live together and I have even tried surprising him naked in the middle of the night and he chooses to get a bj instead. I feel unwanted and I've started to let myself go because I don't see the point in looking beautiful for Amanda who won't even touch me. Now 2 things... He is stuck on baby language and he thinks I'm perverted for constantly thinking about sex. I hate to rant about it but we have a wonderful relationship aside of the nonexistent sex life. I would hate to lose such a great guy cause of such a simple human instinct of sex. I'm so horny all the time!!! Help!! Anyone with years of experience have some advice??? I cry every time he says no to me.

October 4, 2013 - 10:28pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Look I'll be honest.. 20 times in 2 years would be a god send for me. I'm 35
I live with my man (36) and we haven't has sex in over 2 years. I basically drunkenly raped him one night a year ago.. but he seemed to have an issue keeping it hard and gave up after about 2 mins. He tells me he masterbates, I've seeen him do it (with out him knowing I was watching) so I know the tackle works.. he's just not casting the line. We don't kiss, cuddle or anything. I stopped looking for sex and begged just to be KISSED! Totally REDICULOUS
I've given up and decided that letting myself go only hurts me.. so now I'm trying to look the best I can and find someone who will love me the way I need.
You are not married, if a man is not willing to make the commitment then you don't need to act like you are married. It's not cheating if your not married. Don't waste the best part of your years waiting for some dumbass to finally open up and tell you what's wrong with himself.

November 17, 2013 - 5:20pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hey ladies,
I am 24 and my bf is 25. i also feel not good enough and unwanted. I only see my bf 2x a week sometimes 3 because our work schedules are crazy and conflicting. My issue is when we do see eachother those 2 days we have sex 1x on one day only. I live with my parent so he says things like its awkward and whatnot which i can understand but there have been plenty of times no one has been home and still nothing. I feel like when we do have sex he only does it because i say something. I doubt hes gay and he doesnt watch porn. He makes comments saying i always want sex. Ok? I am 24 young and only see him 2x a week. I feel like if it wasnt for me pushing for sex it wouldnt even happen. 4x a month if im lucky is ridiculous . I cry because i dont understand it. Not one guy ive ever been with turns down sex .. :(

September 28, 2013 - 5:18am
EmpowHER Guest

im 28 and my partner is 33 we been together 2 years and we used to have sex three times a day but we haveny done nothing for the last 6 months its bugging me cos ive tried so much and asked why he wont and also got outfits and tried porn and wat not but theres nothing he says its him and that he dont want it and will soon but i cant carry on im frustrated would nevr cheat and spoke to him so much i dont no wat else to do its ruinin our relationship as it makes me mad and upset and we argue

March 26, 2013 - 8:59am
EmpowHER Guest

Iv been with my bf for 5 years i just turned 21 iv known him since gr 6 we used to have sex 6 times a day and now rarely once a week i always beg him ill give him oral occassionally but rarely or hardly ever anything in returni gained some weight iv tried mixing things up in the bedroom plus i know he watches a lot of porn i feel worthless and useless and very sexually frustrated. ANY reccomendations!?? Iv tried talking with him and nothing seems to work i know for a fact hes not cheating iv been going to the gym n his number one exscuse is that hes always tired he works for my dad n there hasnt even been much work lately n so i dont see how hes always tired but he does sleep a lot too so im lost HELP?!

March 8, 2013 - 5:19am
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