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I missed my period for almost 73 days now.

By Anonymous August 1, 2011 - 10:46pm
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Hi...i got my last period on 17/5/2011 and till date there is no sign and symptoms of next period.I had sex with my huby on 23/5/2011 to 30/5/2011 and again on 15/6/2011 to 19/6/2011. On 2 ocassion i spotted reddish spot while wiping after loo. On 27/5/2011 i got burning sensation while peeing accompanied with blood and Doctors told me that i am having UTI.I didnt take medicine thinking that i might have conceive. I did 2 HPT and both the result came back as negative. Furthermore my urine is yellowish and it smells sour. I am getting bloating time and again and no early signs of pregrancy. Its it because of UTi that i missed my period cause this is the first time i missed my period this long.

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Hi Anon,

Thanks for your question. It is important that you go back to your doctor and get treated for your UTI and/or other possible infections. UTI's can be treated whether you have conceived or not, in fact, many pregnant women happen to be more prone to UTI's so they take medication for it all the time. All you had to do at the time was tell the doctor that since you were afraid that you may have been pregnant, to please prescribe something that could be taken during pregnancy. If you have tested for pregnancy lately, then that is not an issue any more and the important thing now is to treat your UTI and perhaps also have your doc look into why you have not had a period in over two months.

Please update us on your status,


August 2, 2011 - 4:36am
(reply to Rosa Cabrera RN)

Hi, I would like to hear what the results are of your diagnosis because I am personally experiencing the same issues you are. I'm reluctant to go to the Doctor because It may be an ectopic pregnancy...again. This will be the third one, only this time with no tubes. I have not seen my period since July 21, 2011 and it is now September 11, 2011. I have some abdominal cramping, back pain, light spotty bleeding for a day or 2, but no period.

September 11, 2011 - 3:01pm
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Anonymous (reply to Rosa Cabrera RN)

hi..thanks for answering my question. I will go to Doc for check up and update here. Still no sign of period.

August 4, 2011 - 1:42am
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