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I have missed 3 pills the 1st week and 4 the 2nd week, I had sex, could I be pregnant?

By May 5, 2010 - 6:38am
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The 1st week of pills I missed 3 and then I took them all the same day, the next day, me and my boyfriend had sex 3 times. The next week, I missed 4 pills, took all on the same day, 2 days later we had sex. Is there a chance that I could be pregnant. I am still in the same month of pills, I am still taking the pills just in case. We did not use condoms, I have been on the pill for 2 months now. I am taking the ortho tri-cyclen lo pills. According to the pack, I should be getting my period in 9 days. Will the period still come even if im pregnant cause Im still taking the pill, or will it stop?

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EmpowHER Guest

did you get pregnant?

June 7, 2011 - 9:25pm

Thanks Cary, maybe I should have asked this question sooner, cause we have had sex many times since then and we dont use condoms. Well now its just the waiting game. Thank you, I just wanted an idea of what to or what I could be expecting.

May 5, 2010 - 7:07am

Hi Lauren-

Any time you have unprotected sex you risk pregnancy. It is that simple. If you have sex now even though you are taking the pills you will need to use condoms as well. How long it takes to be protected again depends on the pill. You can call your pharmacist and ask, or read the pill insert. If you no longer have the insert information, try the website: http://www.thepill.com/thepill/aboutbirth.html

If you are pregnant, you may still get a period, but it will be most likely be lighter than usual. You should be able to test for pregnancy about 2 weeks after you had unprotected sex.

We get questions like yours a lot. Maybe reading some of the others will help you: https://www.empowher.com/condition/reproductive-system

Good luck.

May 5, 2010 - 6:52am
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