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I had sex 3 days before my due date of periods.It's delayed & I took pregnancy test a week after i missed my period but the result was negative. But i am 8 days late now. I am suffering from thyroid & a lot of times my periods get irregular. Am confused.

By April 29, 2010 - 3:17pm
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Hi I'm very confused & need to be reassured I'm not pregnant.. I had my first day of my last period on July 14th always a 30 day cycle. I had unprotected sex on August 9th a few days before my expected period. I'm now 15 days late on getting my period with symptoms of pregnancy & I also Have a uti.. which is rare for me to have.. I also have had cramping off & on for the last week & a half. I had a blood pregnancy test done on August 21st it was Negative. Could it of been to early to detect Hcg? Any advice would be appreciated so confused..

August 27, 2015 - 1:59am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

Levels of hCG can be detected in blood about 11 days following conception. Usually it takes 3 to 4 weeks from the first day of your last period for the levels of hCG to be high enough to be found by the tests.

The blood pregnancy test one on August 21 was done at the correct time.

What does your gynecologist think about this?


August 27, 2015 - 8:08am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

I have an appointment set for next week with her.. She says it could have been to early to detect. I just didn't think it was possible to ovulate a few days before your period was due but from what I've been reading it can happen. It's not normal for me to be this late. Thanks for your response.

August 27, 2015 - 2:15pm
EmpowHER Guest

I had sex the day I was scheduled to start my period. We had unprotected sex and my partner withdrew. I had a little spotting afterwards and thought my cycle was beginning. The bleeding went away completely after 2 days (very very light to begin with) and I still haven't started my period. My periods are normally regular. What are the chances I could be pregnant?

August 5, 2015 - 8:47am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,

This is interesting. You should not have been at risk for becoming pregnant by having unprotected intercourse on the day your period was schedule to start. I say this because ovulation would have happened days ago, and there was no egg to fertilize.

Have you had unprotected intercourse (not this incident) since your last normal period?

If you do not get a normal period at all this month, take a home pregnancy test. Or call your gynecologist.


August 5, 2015 - 8:59am
EmpowHER Guest

1 day before I was due not 3 sorry

August 2, 2015 - 5:41am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, my projected date for my period is July 6. But it didn't come in on time. .i have regular menstrauation on the previous months. .i have sex with my boyfriend around July 12 to 24. My period came in on July 24. Is it possible to get pregnant?

July 26, 2015 - 4:37pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, I had sex on July 15th but he didn't ejaculate inside me and I thought I wasn't ovulating, my period was due on the 19th of July but is now 3 days late, is it possible for me to be pregnant?

July 22, 2015 - 11:17am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,

The way to know is with a positive pregnancy test result or if your period starts. If your menstrual cycles are regular, you would not have been ovulation on July 15 and little risk for becoming pregnant.


July 23, 2015 - 9:08am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Hi, my mentrual cycle is usually regular that's why I'm worried my period is now 4 days late? Is there anything I can do or any other reasons why it could be late? I have also been having pains for the past 4 days but no period

July 23, 2015 - 11:07am
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