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I had sex 3 days before my due date of periods.It's delayed & I took pregnancy test a week after i missed my period but the result was negative. But i am 8 days late now. I am suffering from thyroid & a lot of times my periods get irregular. Am confused.

By April 29, 2010 - 3:17pm
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Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,

There is a good chance that she got pregnant. The only way to know is by taking a pregnancy test. If she doesn't get a period at all this month, she should test at the end of this week. For the most accurate result, she must test in the morning and use the urine when she first wakes up.


March 28, 2016 - 10:02am
EmpowHER Guest

My boyfriend and i had sex and he injected in me... Less than 12 hours my period started and it usually last 3 to 5 days max... It always comes either end of the month area or first of the month. I got ofd the depo little over a year ago. What r my chances i can get pregnant should i go get the plan B pill since it hasnt been 72 hours

March 21, 2016 - 8:53am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,

If you started your period less than 12 hours after having sex, it means you did not become pregnant and do not need to take Plan B.


March 21, 2016 - 9:19am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

have a peripd cycle of 28 i.e i had my last periods on 26 of feb and every month it arrivers 2 to 3 days earlier to last date 21 march i had physical contact no much insertion no ejacuation and probably no semen only penis tapped n rubbed hard and there was bleeding for 2 to 3 hours may be due to hymen break we dint use a condem but will i get my period is there chances of getting pregnent how should i check with pergasure kits? M really worried please help

March 21, 2016 - 11:33am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,

Try to relax. If your period for March is late by more than seven days, then purchase a home pregnancy test.

The bleeding after intercourse could have been caused by the rupture or breaking through of your hymen.

Considering you have a 28 day menstrual cycle and you would have ovulated around March 12, so no risk of pregnancy by March 21. But, wait for your period. That is the best way to know.


March 22, 2016 - 8:53am
EmpowHER Guest

My girlfriend and I had sex 7 days before her period started and she hasn't started yet. She's currently 4 days late, she's taken 2 pregnancy tests and both came up negative. We did have unprotected sex for probably a minute or two but I didn't really have hard on. I heard precum can contain some sperm but if you urinate before hand it'll get flushed out? and also if you didn't masturbate for a day or two, there shouldn't be any sperm in precum or barely any? Anyway, after a minute or two I put on a condom and proceeded. A couple of days before her period she started getting slight cramps but said that was normal, then after she was a day late (supposed to have it on the 10th) she started getting slight cramping again. Today she said she had an upset stomach and felt kind of nauseous, felt like throwing up but about an 2 hours later she said she was fine and didn't feel anything. There are no other symptoms, no sore breats, no sensitive nipples, no discharge, no change of color in the vaginal area. Could her period just be delayed for a different reason? She is studying for her finals but she said she's not THAT stressed.


March 16, 2016 - 1:47am
EmpowHER Guest

Hey.. I had unprotective sex Feb 23.
I'm insure the exact day my period was due. I'm thinking it was due on the 26 or 28. But it never came on. I don't feel any pregnancy symptoms. But I also took an plan b pill back in December. I had 2 periods in one month. But I can't remember if I even had one in January either.but I did heard it is possible to get pregnant before your period. Because some women ovulate before an after. Could I be pregnant? ?

March 2, 2016 - 11:39am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)


I had unprotected sex on 21st March. I have a 30 days cycle. My last period was on the 10th March. My period is due on the 9th April. I know its still early to know if I am pregnant but I want to know if it's possible. My ovalation calender shows I'm fertile from the 21st to the 27th March. My partner and I really want a baby. Should I wait and see if I miss my period and then do the test?

March 29, 2016 - 1:33am
EmpowHER Guest

is there a chance that im pregnant? my last menstrual period is dec 25, i had sex jan 27. and till now jan 31 no menstruation yet?

January 30, 2016 - 8:36pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am already 3 days delayed when I had sex with my boyfriend. I am now 9 days delayed and had dark to light brown spotting. Does that mean I'm pregnant?

January 30, 2016 - 10:48am
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