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I got my period after taking Plan B pills even though I just had my period 3 days before.

By August 12, 2009 - 9:20pm
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My bf and I had unprotected sex right atfer I just ended my period I took plan B pills and the next day I got my period again even though I just had it 3 days earlier. But now I still haven't gotten my period. Is it possible that I'm just late?

Can anyone please help me? I'm thinking I'm just going to get my period really late. Or is it possible that I am pregnant? Answers asap please.

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EmpowHER Guest

Susan, my boyfriend was wearing a comdom and it spilled a little bit and i took next choice because i was scared so could i still be pregnant?

December 10, 2011 - 12:05am
EmpowHER Guest

hello,anybody knows if plan B pill does affect the baby? i took the pill and i was pregnant so do i expect any problems?

December 9, 2011 - 11:55pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Not at all, i did the same and i was about 4 weeks pregnant and my baby is healthy.

December 10, 2011 - 12:02am
EmpowHER Guest

My name is betty,

Okayy i need help, or just answers. I had sex saturday november 12th, 2011 at like 11 in the morning, i took the next choice pill the next day sunday at 3 in the afternoon and 12hrs later at 3a.m. I had a regular period before on november 1st and lasted a week. Then a week later after i took the next choice pill i had some spotting then it turned out to be my period to me, it was light not to heavy but im not sure if it was my period or not ? And if it was my period will i get it again this coming week? And if it wasnt my period, whats going to happen? Or what should i do? HELP!!!!

December 9, 2011 - 11:45pm
EmpowHER Guest

Okayy i need help, or just answers. I had sex saturday november 12th, 2011 at like 11 in the morning, i took the next choice pill the next day sunday at 3 in the afternoon and 12hrs later at 3a.m. I had a regular period before on november 1st and lasted a week. Then a week later after i took the next choice pill i had some spotting then it turned out to be my period to me, it was light not to heavy but im not sure if it was my period or not ? And if it was my period will i get it again this coming week? And if it wasnt my period, whats going to happen? Or what should i do? HELP!!!!

December 9, 2011 - 11:38pm
EmpowHER Guest

Okayy i need help, or just answers. I had sex saturday november 12th, 2011 at like 11 in the morning, i took the next choice pill the next day sunday at 3 in the afternoon and 12hrs later at 3a.m. I had a regular period before on november 1st and lasted a week. Then a week later after i took the next choice pill i had some spotting then it turned out to be my period to me, it was light not to heavy but im not sure if it was my period or not ? And if it was my period will i get it again this coming week? And if it wasnt my period, whats going to happen? Or what should i do? HELP!!!!

December 9, 2011 - 11:37pm
EmpowHER Guest

hello, I had unprotected sex and i took the plan B the next day at 4pm but it does not work now am pregnant and iam so upset what shall i do, do i keep the baby or not? my boyfriend doesn't want babies but me i would like to have one so am really lost i don't know what to do anyone can help

December 8, 2011 - 10:46pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Im sorry to hear that :/ I think u should go with what your heart says. If he does not want babies its either strap it or hey dont have any sex. Im goin threw the same thing. Very tuff but I knew I wanted to have this bby. Itll be my first baby. I didnt nessesarly think it was the rite timing but it brings joy and a smile to my face to think that its ganna be my bby. My blood and I just could not live with sonething like that. With a regret. Hope u do what makes u happy. Regarless of anything its your body girly. Maybe he will come around and change his mind. <3

Curiously jade(:

December 15, 2011 - 4:09am
EmpowHER Guest

im concerned about my period, last period dated 17th November then i had unprotected sex on 04th December the i took plan b pills (microlut) 25 pill first 24hrs at 10:pm dated 05 Dec, then next day at 06 Dec at 10:am i took my other 25pills (after 12hrs) . my period should start on 14th of December, i dont know how can i make sure that the pills worked right?
please looking forward for you help thx

December 7, 2011 - 5:22am
EmpowHER Guest

I just have a question. It's about the MAP Next Choice. I had a period on September 25th, then had my next one Oct 30th. It was five days later than usual (I think because of stress). Then on Nov. 7th in the evening I had unprotected sex and my husband ejaculated inside me. Then I took the 1st Next Choice pill within the 72 hour time limit, the 2nd pill was not taken within the 72 hour limit. After taking the MAP I got my "period" on Nov.15th even though I just had it on the 30th. The "period" I had lasted 3-4 days like a normal period. I expected my next period to be on 4th (five days late as last time) or was the 15th my actual period and I won't get my next period until the 15th or so of this month? I'm confused as to when I would expect my next period.

December 6, 2011 - 2:47pm
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