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Delayed 2nd period after taking the Morning After Pill?? (Plan B)

By Anonymous January 5, 2012 - 9:29pm
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In freak out mode at the moment..which of course doesnt help the situation!!!
Is it common for your 2nd period to be delayed after take the MAP?? Or could I be in fact pregnant.... stupid I know but Im too scared to take a test. I'm currently 4 days late for my 2nd period. Ok a little background:

My cycle length is 31 days (consistent for the past 4 or 5 months prior to this)
CD 1 - (Nov 6 - 10th) - normal period
CD 8 - unprotected sex (ejaculate inside)

CD 10 - unprotected sex (no ejaculation inside - entered for about a minute or 2) - Long story but its this encounter that Im worried about!
CD 11 - Took Plan B...pretty much 24hrs on the dot!
CD 15 - Started spotting (very light, usually only when I wiped - this continued on for 10days). Felt nauesous pretty much this whole time.
CD 19 - Pregnancy Test - negative (obviously too early to tell. Only 9 -11 days after)
CD 26 - no spotting
CD 27 - no spotting
CD 28 - 1st day of heavy flow (so by usual cycle I was 3 days early)
CD 29 - Heavy Flow
CD 30 - Medium
CD 31 - Light
CD 32 - Light

From memory my period was relatively the same as usual, maybe not as painful, but so obviously then I thought I was in the clear!!

I am now currently waiting for my 2nd period to arrive. Its now CD35 which technically makes me 4 days late. I have had sore boobs for the past 3 days but dont really feel like my period is coming...maybe a few cramps here and there.
I have started to feel nauesous today, but that could be from anxiety!!

I know simple answer...go take a pregnancy test!!! So stupid but Im too scared. So do you think its possible I could be pregnant or is common for your 2nd period to be delayed after MAP? Thanks for any advice.

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Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

It is time to take a pregnancy test. For the most accurate result, test in the morning and use the first urine of the day.


July 4, 2017 - 1:39pm
EmpowHER Guest

I had unprotected sex last month and I took ipill and got my periods 1 day late. My due date is 15th and I again had an encounter on 8th and took pills on 9th, its 16th and I'm worried.. what should I do?

March 14, 2017 - 3:34am
EmpowHER Guest

After I took Plan B One Step, I had a very weird, light period a week before my period was due and I just figured that happened because of the pill. Fast forward to when my second period should have started, nothing.. I had no signs of PMS so I started to get concerned. Two weeks later I finally started my period (6 weeks after weird bleeding from the pill) .. So if your second period is late, don't stress out about it, it might delay it more. Just be patient, it will come. Hopefully not two weeks late like mine. Talk about a long two weeks.

March 13, 2017 - 5:41pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi! I and my bf had unprotected sex on 23 of march but he did not eject in.
Just to be safe, I took postinor 2 within 24 hours. My period is supposed to be from 1 week later after I took the pil, but now its already the second week, still I have not period yet.
I dare not to get pregnancy test but I'm very sure that I'm not pregnant.
May I ask is there any other effect beside pregnant?
Please help me!! Thanks alotttt!!!

February 7, 2017 - 5:53am
EmpowHER Guest

Hy please help me...i had sex on may 14th and took postinor 2 both tablets at once on may 16th which is 48h late...then i got my period about a week late on 25th may..after that i did not get my period and today is 7th aug..please help..im really worried..

August 7, 2016 - 3:30am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi i had a protected sex on October 3rd and i have taken postinor 2 with in 6 hrs and second pill after 12hrs for extra safety (13th day of my cycle) then i had my regular period on 19th october. But it was a only for 2 days. Now my periods are late by 6 days for November. Pls advice of potential pregnancy. I had some stress works during last few weeks.

November 22, 2015 - 11:07am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi i had a protected sex on October 3rd and i have taken postinor 2 with in 6 hrs and second pill after 12hrs for extra safety (13th day of my cycle) then i had my regular period on 19th october. But it was a only for 2 days. Now my periods are late by 6 days for November. Pls advice of potential pregnancy

November 22, 2015 - 8:08am
EmpowHER Guest

For those women filled with panic and anxiety about a late 2nd period after Plan B... You'll be okay! Deep breaths.

I took Plan B on August 30. Oddly, I really didn't feel the effects from it for about a week. Then the cramping, headaches and breast tenderness began. I did not have any bleeding until my period began September 13. It was 4 days (with moderate bleeding the 2nd and 3rd day), which is a normal period for me.
I usually have a 30 day cycle so I started looking for my next period around October 13. No sign of it. then a few days later I started getting little cramps (twinges and pulling sensations) and breast tenderness. What was weird was although these are PMS symptoms they felt "different" than normal. I have two children and early in both pregnancies I had cramps and breast tenderness that felt like this. My breasts did not just hurt on the sides like normal PMS, they hurt all over, had sharp pain here and there plus an aching. My cramps were little but strange, with a sharp pain here and there just on one side. I'm telling you, EXACTLY how I felt during early pregnancy before. A week passes with these symptoms, still no period. Logically, I know I should not be pregnant since I had a period the month before. Having had sex with my husband over the past month, there is always a risk even with contraception. Anyway, breasts are hurting more at this point and I am starting to let it get to me and worry. I went to these boards and people reported their 2nd periods being late, but not a lot about having PMS/pregnancy symptoms with it. I GOT MY 2ND PERIOD EXACTLY TWO WEEKS LATE. The night before my vagina started to ache a little bit. It kind of felt like I was wearing jeans that were too tight all day or something. Very strange and again something I felt with early pregnancy. Yes, my PMS symptoms mimiced pregnancy symptoms, probably because my body is still reeling from the large doses of hormones which is Plan B. I really didn't expect the 2nd period to be so intense, physically and emotionally! Sent my husband for a vasectomy last week ... It's what I asked for as my anniversary present (yay, 11 years)!
I hoped this helped cease someone's anxiety even a little bit. I know it's scary. Please feel free to ask me anything you need to.

October 27, 2015 - 4:20am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I have had spotting and my period after plan b, but i'm now one week before my second period is supposed to start. I have been feeling stomach pains and sore breasts, pretty extreme too. Also sometimes a shortness of breath. I know i still have a week but i'm very nervous and wondering if i'm pregnant or pms symptoms. I usually get sore breasts but this is all different feeling. i'm replying to you because i know you went through the same thing and still got your period. And yes i sure did start my first period.

February 22, 2017 - 4:49pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

HI I know these are old, and no one will probably see them but if you do and get back to me that'd be awesome. So my boyfriend and I had protected sex but the condom broke and I took plan b within the 72 hours. I got this nasty dark brown bleeding which I asked my doctor about and they told me it was totally normal, it's called a "progesterone withdrawal" then I got my normal period a week later on February 18th. So that's good. However it's now March 24th and I've got no period yet. Between feb 18 and March 23, my boyfriend and I had sex about 5 times, everytime with protection. 3 out of 5 he pulled out in advance and finished then the other 2 times he pulled the condom off right before and finished on my stomach. I was due for my period between the 19-20th. But still nothing.. My boobs are hurting like they normally do before my periods and I'm craving chocolate and getting so moody for no reason as I normally do while PMSing. However I've been just nonstop hungry and I'm hoping that is not a sign of pregnancy. I'm seeing other women have a late second period after plan B but I've taken this pill 2 times before and I don't recall this happening. I'm freaking out. Someone please give me feedback?

March 24, 2016 - 11:11am
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