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Can you get pregnant due to dry humping?

By Anonymous October 26, 2010 - 9:01pm
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So the past 2 months, i've been getting my period exactly on the 22nd. When I'm stressed, i know it can delay. My boyfriend and I were pretty much dryhumping, but he had boxers and jeans on, and i had my underwear (it was lace, and i'm afraid that maybe stuff can get through easier) and pantie liner on, although at times i felt like my pantie liner wasn't in place right, but just around the clitoris area. It's past the 22nd, but sometimes my period isn't always exact of course, but i've been pretty paranoid after dryhumping. I've been very active with school, and not getting good sleep and afraid that maybe i've been overactive to where my body can't keep up. I recently got a cold and wondering if that can affect my period in some way. Although lately, I haven't been that nervous about it. My discharge has been kind of heavy, whiteish and yellowish. This only started about more than a week ago. My boyfriend and I did dry heaving on the 17th. I've been kind of moody and a little cramping. I'm worried about being pregnant or something. please tell me advice.

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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

She says she's felling gassy

February 28, 2017 - 10:05am
EmpowHER Guest

is it confirmed that dry humping won't make you pregnant? no sperm could go through cloth eventhough there's liquid on the cloth near to vagina?

February 24, 2017 - 9:33am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

That is correct.


February 28, 2017 - 9:40am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Are you 100% sure as most sites say there is a chance for semen so seap through clothing and make a girl pregnant and I'm really confused
Please clear this up for me

March 1, 2017 - 9:45am
EmpowHER Guest

Could I be pregnant
My boyfriend ejaculated in his cotton shorts making them really wet while we were humping I was also wearing a pair of leggings which became really wet too
I'm really scared I might be pregnant I'm only 17 and I need help

February 24, 2017 - 9:24am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

There was no risk for becoming pregnant because sperm cannot pass through clothing.


February 28, 2017 - 9:38am
EmpowHER Guest

thank you for the fast response maryann! i became so paranoid since yesterday because of the fear of getting pregnant. i read some articles on the internet and mostly said there's a chance of getting pregnant if the semen is on the pants because it is near to the vagina :( after he ejaculated i immediately took of my shirt and changed my pants. is that a good way to prevent the sperm to get into vagina?

February 24, 2017 - 8:05am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

The vagina is inside of the body. Sperm cannot travel through clothing. There is no way sperm in semen on your clothing could have entered your partner's vagina and led to a pregnancy.


February 28, 2017 - 9:36am
EmpowHER Guest

my boyfriend and i had dry hump yesterday. i had my thin shirt on and panties, while my boyfriend was naked. i gave him a handjob and he ejaculated on my hands and i think there was a bit on my cloth (i'm afraid if there was on my pants). i'm scared if i might get pregnant, so i ate postinor-2 2 hours after. is there a chance for me to get pregnant?

February 24, 2017 - 7:31am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

There was no risk for becoming pregnant because the semen was on your hands and you were wearing panties. You also took Postinor 2.


February 24, 2017 - 7:39am
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