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Can i get pregnant without deep penetration?

By July 9, 2009 - 4:55am
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Hi, I'm 23 years old lady and I'm still a virgin. I have a bf and we've been together for more than 4 years. We never had 'real' penetration or sexual intercourse (saving it for the marriage). But today we made out and he only put his tip into me (only like half an inch to an inch) but did not cum in me. I am just a little concerned and went online to search for answers, and some people even mentioned that with what i've done, i'm actually not a virgin anymore! but no pain no blood flow happened.

Anyway, my question is, will i get pregnant this way? isit really true that if sperm was only near the vagina, i will get pregnant?

only supportive and real answers please.. i know i shud've used contraception, but it was our first time, and we didn't really planned for it to happen.


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Anonymous (reply to Rosa Cabrera RN)

Thank you

October 24, 2011 - 10:18am
EmpowHER Guest

Me and my girlfriend were fooling around in bed when I accidentally put the tip of my penis inside of her vagina. I pulled out immediately and didn't ejaculate and I don'think there was any precum. The morning after we bought and she took the morning after pill, just in case. Also she just finished her period the day before i.e. she stopped bleeding the day before. How Likely is it that she will get pregnant? Thanks for any advice

October 23, 2011 - 11:57am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,
Your bleeding is probably due to him breaking your hymen. This is common. If he did not wear a condom, there is always a possibility if he ejaculated inside of you. You can only wait now to see if you miss a period but it is unlikely that you are pregnant. In the future, always wear condoms and you may want to take to your doctor about birth control methods such as the pill.

I hope this helps. Keep us posted.

October 23, 2011 - 10:43am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, I'm 15yrs old & I lost my virgintily yesterday and my bf only put the tip of his pennis in me. After he did that I started bleeding. This morning my stomach started hurting. Could be pregnant? Help!

October 23, 2011 - 6:56am

hi im 15 years old
well me and my boyfriend was planning on making love only but uhhhm? I think his penis didnt really went in becuase my whole was small then we just tried i was just asking coz I AM SCARED am I gonna be PREGNANT? because their are so many sticky semen but while we where trying to put it in we wiped it 1st.,,,?
i need an answer help!

October 21, 2011 - 6:14am
(reply to valentine14)

Dear Valentine,

I have answered your question here: https://www.empowher.com/community/ask/will-i-get-pregnant-if-his-penis-didnt-went-bcoz-size

Please refrain from posting the same question more than once, if it isn't answered right away it will be answered.



October 21, 2011 - 7:10am
EmpowHER Guest

Me and my boyfriend had sex with no protection he decided to use the withdrawal method and so when he was about to cum he pulled out can I still get pregnant even though he came on the bed sheets?

October 20, 2011 - 9:04pm
EmpowHER Guest

im 20 and i recently lost my virginity. the only thing that happened was my hymen breaking, but he didnt come inside me or anything. could i possibly get pregnant from that?

October 17, 2011 - 9:36pm
EmpowHER Guest

ok so i met this guy we've been talking for a couple of months, and he wanted to hang out after i got off work one night, no sex intended. IT was late and i knew id be staying at his house and he said there is a spare bed in my room and i said ok. went over there, we watched movies, played video games, and had tickle fights lol etc.. well we did have sex(having unplanned sex is nice..) we did use a condom but before he put the condom on he teases me with it, by putting in in like an inch to half an inch. and we used the condom, then in the morning he did the same thing. this wa like 5weeks ago, and im gettin these weird symptoms, im getting headaches like crazy, i get a lot of white fatigue, back pain, im never hungry, but im always thirsty, and have to pee like crazy. i work at a movie theatre and when im up stairs threading movies its always when i get by projector 1 and 2 that i smell chicken and oil for some reason and im not sure why.. could i be pregnant or am i just going crazy!?!?

October 17, 2011 - 12:55am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi My boyfriend said he is sterile and only has a .01% of me getting pregnant he said he went to the doctor and that's what he said. I am nervous because I have looked online and there is nothing on this. Please help!

October 16, 2011 - 10:58am
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