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Welcome Bridget, I am so sorry to hear about your "illness" and was wondering if your doctor even considered testing you for heavy metals toxicity. Most of your symptoms are familiar to me. Eight years ago I had many of those you listed. After a year of testing for everything, I came across a study on mercury poisoning and asked my doctor to test my mercury levels. She hesitantly requested them. Sure enough a couple of days later she called me on the phone in a panic to tell me I was a "walking thermometer" and my mercury levels were above what the EPA considered safe for humans. It was a long two years after that doing everything I could to detox...mercury poisoning (or many other heavy metal toxicity) is an epidemic today. In the 60's was lead poisoning, but our environment is very polluted with more toxic substances, heavy metals being among them. You can also ingest mercury via contaminated predetor fish like tuna or sword fish. Many doctors overlook this environmental toxins we are exposed to daily and/or do not believe that this is a problem. The fact is that they are not trained to consider that possibility and do not know how to test and treat a patient who presents with your symptomology. You need to find a second opinion. By the way, my doctor learned a lesson of her own. She always tests for mercury levels when a patient presents with similar symptoms. Best of luck!

June 17, 2008 - 12:29am


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