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Hello all - I'm new to posting here, and have a few questions. I underwent my 1st surgery 2/24/09 for PTTD - did a transfer, as well as put in a subtalar implant. 3 days post-op, I had a lot of discomfort at the implant site, and wanted it out. It didn't feel right, and my Dr. didn't believe me. I finally convinced him to take it out, but that wasn't until 8/6/09. It felt better after that, but I still had the same pain I went to him with initially. (First Dr. is a Podiatrist)

I changed Dr.s in 1/14/10, this time to an Ortho. She took one look at my x-Rays, MRIs, and everything else, and said that the transfer didn't look right, and started talking about fusion, but wanted to try bracing it 1st. I spent the next 2 weeks in a walking cast, then 6 weeks in an air-cast boot, then 6 months in an Arizona AFO... THEN I had the fusion, she redid the transfer, as well as a Tal Gastrocnemius Recession.

Now I'm the "proud owner" of a 7" scar on the interior of my foot/ankle, several 1" on the exterior, and a 2" on my calf. (www.go2warp.com/mare) Here are some actual pics 10 days post op.

My questions are, with all this going on, how long can I expect swelling? At the end of the night I'm still softball or larger size, and it keeps getting worse. My hubby has to take my shoe off for me because I can't. Also, how long should there be pain? Not a lot of pain, but enough to be uncomfortable, and a constant reminder that something isn't right. The pain gets worse through out the day as well.

My current Dr. wants me to go for a CT scan, but she came right out and said she doesn't think it's going to show her anything. So why go? Also, she's concerned about the swelling and pain, but since I've only been back to work and really driving (more than trips to the store) for about 1 month, she thinks it may be that. I'm just worried, because I'm pushing 6 months post-op.

Sorry this is so long and drawn out, but, as I'm sure most of you know, this isn't something to be taken lightly, and I'm starting to really worry.

Thanks all!

March 14, 2011 - 2:17pm


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