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On Oct 5th, 2004, I fell off a roof and shattered my left ankle, I was very close to amputation but after 6 surgeries one being an ankle fusion I still have quite a bit of pain and take narcotic pain medication daily. I had to have at least two Achilles lengthenings, which has resulted in three hammer toes. Like most, I can't walk barefooted nor can I wear flip flops because of my toes. That foot is a size and a half smaller than my right foot. If I walk on any surface that is not flat or paved I lose my balance and I'm sure people who see me but not the scars think I'm intoxicated. When I had the fusion done the surgeon had to use bone from my hip as I not only had no cartilage, but had worn bone away. I have no hardware left but the pain is almost unbearable at times. My surgeon did not want me to do pt stating the purpose was to minimize movement. I have a terrible time trying to find shoes that I can walk in with as minimal amount of pain as possible. I would like suggestions on good supportive shoes that are somewhat athletic looking. The Dr recommended 900 New Balance, but I didn't really care for them and for the price they didn't make much difference. I have been wearing Nike but with one foot being smaller they don't help much either. Any suggestions would be appreciated!!

August 27, 2012 - 11:06pm


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