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HERWriter Guide

Hello happiness50

Thank you for writing!

There are many over-the-counter products available to treat warts. These therapies often contain a mild acid. You can usually apply them when a wart first appears.

Another popular and less expensive treatment is using duct tape to cover a wart for a week at a time. This is also done with weekly “sanding” of the wart with a pumice stone.

You should see a doctor:

For recurrent warts
For those that fail to respond to initial treatment
When over-the-counter therapies are not well-tolerated
When the diagnosis is unclear
After confirming the diagnosis of plantar warts, the doctor may use one or more of the following:

Cryotherapy—freezing the warts to kill the virus
Laser treatment—using a laser to kill the virus and destroy wart tissue
Electrocautery treatment—burning the wart
Surgical removal—cutting out the warts (with anesthetic)
Immune therapy—application of substances that stimulate the immune system’s response to the wart-causing virus

For now, ask a pharmacist to recommend a good over-the-counter treatment.


January 14, 2019 - 7:53pm


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