Welcome to EmpowHER. I am glad you reached out to our community.
Schedule an appointment with a urologist.
You could be suffering with overflow incontinence., which means that you have the urge to urinate, but you can release only a small amount. Since your bladder doesn't empty as it should, it then leaks urine later.
Overflow incontinence can be caused by something blocking the urethra, which leads to urine building up in the bladder. This is often caused by an enlarged prostate gland or a narrow urethra. It may also happen because of weak bladder muscles.
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Hello Anonymous,
Welcome to EmpowHER. I am glad you reached out to our community.
Schedule an appointment with a urologist.
You could be suffering with overflow incontinence., which means that you have the urge to urinate, but you can release only a small amount. Since your bladder doesn't empty as it should, it then leaks urine later.
Overflow incontinence can be caused by something blocking the urethra, which leads to urine building up in the bladder. This is often caused by an enlarged prostate gland or a narrow urethra. It may also happen because of weak bladder muscles.
July 6, 2017 - 7:21amMaryann
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