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EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

I had my period from July 5th-9th.
I had unprotected sex on July 12th.
And took (4 birth control pills) on July 15th.
I didn't have a plan b but learned via google.
Plan b= high dosage of birth control pills (took 4)
I got my period again From July 19th -22nd
Then it returned on august 4th-7th
I've been getting my period every other week..
Bi-weekly and this has NEVER happened before
I wasn't on birth control and happened to have some laying around the house when I used it as emergency contraception

Is bi-weekly periods or more frequent periods a result of plan b?
Is this normal?
Should I go to emergency room?

August 7, 2017 - 3:04pm


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