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EmpowHER Guest

The older I get, the more things make me break out in hives on contact. I've found that lavender oil, tea tree oil, & benedryl are the most effective itch stoppers.

Triggers sofar:
*Sizing, found in unwashed store clothing to stiffen product.
*A very particular tabby cat. No other cats or dogs do this.
*Scented laundry detergent & scented fabric softener.
*Dry-shaving with no lubricants.
*Perfume, cologne, insence, scented candles, but Fabreeze/Glade is okay.
*My car, which also triggers sneezing & difficulty breathing in the whole family.
*Grocery store convayor belts.

My mother has her own triggers:
*The glue in some generic Breatherighs.

January 23, 2019 - 2:00pm


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