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Hello and welcome to EmpowHer,
A common side effect of taking contraception is bleeding a few days later which may appear to be your period, but it is not. So the bleeding you experienced was most likely a side effect of the drug. Taking the drug can also disrupt your regular cycle which is most likely the reason you have not had your period yet.
This does not mean you are pregnant for two reasons. First of all, you used birth control both times you had intercourse. Secondly, a disrupted cycle is common after taking EC.
There is no further action you need to take a this time. Simply wait it out. Your period will eventaully return to its regular cycle.
Below I have pasted a HERarticle that discusses more closely how emergency contraception works and the side effects:
Feel free also to use the search bar above to get more information.

February 6, 2016 - 7:44am


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