Thank you Susan
ur kindness made me feel like I should go. X
I never knew it was a worry till last night. I was looking up sore toenails of another nail with a superficial issue and came across the info about something that seems so harmless to me as being a real concern. No one like to start a conversation with their gp with of read on the net...
This site is however very informative glad I've found it
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Thank you Susan
December 10, 2015 - 7:02amur kindness made me feel like I should go. X
I never knew it was a worry till last night. I was looking up sore toenails of another nail with a superficial issue and came across the info about something that seems so harmless to me as being a real concern. No one like to start a conversation with their gp with of read on the net...
This site is however very informative glad I've found it
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