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Anonymous (reply to fchacon)

I have had fibromyalgia for over 20 years now, and yes I had pos, and when my ovaries were removed they were still cystic.
The weight gain has just happened in the past year. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was young and trying to get pregnant. That is also when I was diagnosed with POS, only it was called stein-leventhal syndrome back then. I was 21 at that time. I do not have the records from that time in my life, but that was when the test for your thyroid was a full day sitting with a telescope looking thing pointed at your thyroid after the radioactive iodine was administered. I never received treatment because my doctor refused to allow any medicines in your body when you are trying to get pregnant, except the progesterone and clomid. I had one period a year and spent almost three years with a basil thermometer in my mouth every morning.

thermometer in my mouth every morning.

January 14, 2015 - 9:23pm


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