I am a breast cancer researcher and medical anthropologist, co-author of, Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras.
Actually, this Hutchinson study supports the bra-cancer link, since all the women in the cancer group were lifetime bra wearers.
In addition, the study is useless since none of the women were bra-free, so it lacks a proper control for examining bra wearing impacts. No bra-free baseline.
They also did not look at bra tightness, which is a major factor in the bra-cancer link, which is about tight bras causing lymphatic constriction.
All this study really shows is that some women who have worn bras for 40 years or longer will get breast cancer and some will not. We already knew that. You can say the same thing about smokers and lung cancer.
It also shows that, despite 20 years of ignoring and suppressing this information, the cancer industry has had to finally deal with this issue and do a study. It's really no surprise that the study was biased, and was announced as the last word on this issue.
How could they admit that hundreds of thousands of women have suffered from breast cancer needlessly, because of their stonewalling and denial of the link between bras and breast cancer?
There is also direct evidence of a hidden agenda. The study said there were no reported conflicts of interest, but did not mention that The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center receives money annually from a “Bra Dash” fundraiser, where pink bras are worn on the outside of clothing during a 5K race to raise breast cancer research funds.
Conclusion: The only research you can trust is on yourself!
I suggest women who want to know if their bras have been harming their breasts should take the No Bra Challenge, and stop constricting your breasts with a bra for 30 days.
Most women report feeling reduced breast pain and cysts by this simple lifestyle change. If this is the case for you, it is tangible proof that your bra has been harming your breasts.
If your breasts are physically uncomfortable without a bra, then your breasts are already having bra-caused problems.
You can go to our website for more and to sign up for a Self Study. http://www.killerculture.com/self-study-center/
Studies that Support the Bra/Cancer Link
1991 Harvard study (CC Hsieh, D Trichopoulos (1991). Breast size, handedness and breast cancer risk. European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology 27(2):131-135.). This study found that, “Premenopausal women who do not wear bras had half the risk of breast cancer compared with bra users…”
1991-93 U.S. Bra and Breast Cancer Study by Singer and Grismaijer, published in Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras (Avery/Penguin Putnam, 1995; ISCD Press, 2005). Found that bra-free women have about the same incidence of breast cancer as men. 24/7 bra wearing increases incidence over 100 times that of a bra-free woman.
Singer and Grismaijer did a follow-up study in Fiji, published in Get It Off!(ISCD Press, 2000). Found 24 case histories of breast cancer in a culture where half the women are bra-free. The women getting breast cancer were all wearing bras. Given women with the same genetics and diet and living in the same village, the ones getting breast disease were the ones wearing bras for work.
A 2009 Chinese study (Zhang AQ, Xia JH, Wang Q, Li WP, Xu J, Chen ZY, Yang JM (2009). [Risk factors of breast cancer in women in Guangdong and the countermeasures]. In Chinese. Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao. 2009 Jul;29(7):1451-3.) found that NOT sleeping in a bra was protective against breast cancer, lowering the risk 60%.
2011 a study was published, in Spanish, confirming that bras are causing breast disease and cancer. http://www.portalesmedicos.com/publicaciones/articles/3691/1/Patologias-mamarias-generadas-por-el-uso-sostenido-y-seleccion-incorrecta-del-brassier-en-pacientes-que-acuden-a-la-consulta-de-mastologia- It found that underwired and push-up bras are the most harmful, but any bra that leaves red marks or indentations may cause disease.
A 2014 Scottish study looking in the causes of increased upper outer quadrant breast cancer concluded that tight bras are a major contributing factor. http://www.scotsman.com/news/health/bras-linked-to-rise-in-breast-cancer-1-3422526
Comment Reply
I am a breast cancer researcher and medical anthropologist, co-author of, Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras.
Actually, this Hutchinson study supports the bra-cancer link, since all the women in the cancer group were lifetime bra wearers.
In addition, the study is useless since none of the women were bra-free, so it lacks a proper control for examining bra wearing impacts. No bra-free baseline.
They also did not look at bra tightness, which is a major factor in the bra-cancer link, which is about tight bras causing lymphatic constriction.
All this study really shows is that some women who have worn bras for 40 years or longer will get breast cancer and some will not. We already knew that. You can say the same thing about smokers and lung cancer.
It also shows that, despite 20 years of ignoring and suppressing this information, the cancer industry has had to finally deal with this issue and do a study. It's really no surprise that the study was biased, and was announced as the last word on this issue.
How could they admit that hundreds of thousands of women have suffered from breast cancer needlessly, because of their stonewalling and denial of the link between bras and breast cancer?
There is also direct evidence of a hidden agenda. The study said there were no reported conflicts of interest, but did not mention that The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center receives money annually from a “Bra Dash” fundraiser, where pink bras are worn on the outside of clothing during a 5K race to raise breast cancer research funds.
Conclusion: The only research you can trust is on yourself!
I suggest women who want to know if their bras have been harming their breasts should take the No Bra Challenge, and stop constricting your breasts with a bra for 30 days.
Most women report feeling reduced breast pain and cysts by this simple lifestyle change. If this is the case for you, it is tangible proof that your bra has been harming your breasts.
If your breasts are physically uncomfortable without a bra, then your breasts are already having bra-caused problems.
You can go to our website for more and to sign up for a Self Study. http://www.killerculture.com/self-study-center/
Studies that Support the Bra/Cancer Link
1991 Harvard study (CC Hsieh, D Trichopoulos (1991). Breast size, handedness and breast cancer risk. European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology 27(2):131-135.). This study found that, “Premenopausal women who do not wear bras had half the risk of breast cancer compared with bra users…”
1991-93 U.S. Bra and Breast Cancer Study by Singer and Grismaijer, published in Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras (Avery/Penguin Putnam, 1995; ISCD Press, 2005). Found that bra-free women have about the same incidence of breast cancer as men. 24/7 bra wearing increases incidence over 100 times that of a bra-free woman.
Singer and Grismaijer did a follow-up study in Fiji, published in Get It Off!(ISCD Press, 2000). Found 24 case histories of breast cancer in a culture where half the women are bra-free. The women getting breast cancer were all wearing bras. Given women with the same genetics and diet and living in the same village, the ones getting breast disease were the ones wearing bras for work.
A 2009 Chinese study (Zhang AQ, Xia JH, Wang Q, Li WP, Xu J, Chen ZY, Yang JM (2009). [Risk factors of breast cancer in women in Guangdong and the countermeasures]. In Chinese. Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao. 2009 Jul;29(7):1451-3.) found that NOT sleeping in a bra was protective against breast cancer, lowering the risk 60%.
2011 a study was published, in Spanish, confirming that bras are causing breast disease and cancer. http://www.portalesmedicos.com/publicaciones/articles/3691/1/Patologias-mamarias-generadas-por-el-uso-sostenido-y-seleccion-incorrecta-del-brassier-en-pacientes-que-acuden-a-la-consulta-de-mastologia- It found that underwired and push-up bras are the most harmful, but any bra that leaves red marks or indentations may cause disease.
A 2014 Scottish study looking in the causes of increased upper outer quadrant breast cancer concluded that tight bras are a major contributing factor. http://www.scotsman.com/news/health/bras-linked-to-rise-in-breast-cancer-1-3422526
For more, see my website www.KillerCulture.com.
September 15, 2014 - 5:43pmThis Comment