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EmpowHER Guest

Hi all, ive had a very itchy back like im rubbing it on door sides to relieve it, I have been to my gp he thinks its something to do with allergies and ive been down to a consultant at beneden hospital he thinks its in my head, but really im going out of my mind itching!! its not all day I get an itchy back just sometimes but very bad to the extent that it bleeds> I have creams from my gp but they dpont seem to work. im going to try a cream opver the counter called AVEENA got to try something, my partner says don't scratch my back on doorways but she doesent understand how itchy my back is, im going mad with this bloody itching also if anyone has any suggestions please please get in touch with your thoughts I would really appreciate it, [email protected] thank you

May 14, 2020 - 8:53am


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