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EmpowHER Guest

Wow, I understand you so much. It felt like I was reading my exact situation. I feel torn inside. I feel disgusting. I feel so unwanted. The only time anything sexual happens between my boyfriend and I is when I start it and even then, I don't get any sex. All that happens is that I suck him off, he cums in my mouth, and I finish my own self off. He never fingers me nor eats me out. Honestly I feel terrible writing that out. I've never told anyone. The only reason I do it is because I genuinely enjoy giving him pleasure. It turns me on, but afterwards I feel like complete shit because nothing was done to me. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel helpless. I've always been such a sexual person. How could this be happening to me? I just can't stand it. I feel like I love my boyfriend very much, and he shows to love me too except when it comes to sexual things. It has been 8 months and I'm going insane. I have to masturbate in private and that makes me feel terrible. This post helped me feel like I'm not alone. Sometimes I think the best thing would be to find someone else because my boyfriend never wants to fix this problem, even when I cry to him and express how I feel. My best advice to you would be to masturbate any time you can. We both have to really think about if this is what we want to deal with for the rest of our lives. We're not getting any younger. :(

August 3, 2017 - 3:29pm


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