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thank you. we all really needed someone like you to think of us all, and have enough gumption to develop a site such as this. at least, for nothing else, to be able to read similar histories and to be able to verbalize and share some of the frustrations and issues we are being forced to deal with since this thing called illness broke into our homes and took over our lives. i would like to offer a suggestion. the thing i have always said i needed most and wished i could find, still unsuccessfully... real, live, physically present advocates. i swear i wish i had a body gaurd with me everytime i must go through the trauma of another doctors appointment. i have read that there is documented evidence that people who must deal with an incident of desease alone are not as well cared for, are more likely to have medical benefits taken advantage of, and are less likely to be able to gain an accurate diagnosis and appropriate medical treatment than people who give an appearance of having people (usually family) who are going to be paying attention to every part of the medical experience of thier loved one and wont be too sick to question things that should be questioned or argued. noone should go to a medical appointment alone. thank you. i hope you have been fortunate enough to have made a full recovery.

October 21, 2014 - 9:35am


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