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Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Hi, thank you so much for your quick reply.

The bleeding is not all day like having a period, but I would see it usually in the morning after I get my day started when I pee. I would see drops of pinkish color -into the toilet bowl- after I finish peeing. Then during the day my underwear would have the brownish color on it (so I ended up wearing a small pad) but when I go to pee during the day or evening, I would still see the pinkish color when I wipe. So the last time I told you that my bf and I had sex was Tuesday the 14th and I was bleeding (like how I described above) until around Thursday, but around Friday the pinkish was going away and I only had the brownish color left (so I thought maybe I was recovering). So yesterday (10/18) we decided to have sex again, and after we finished making love I went to pee and found that the pinkish drops are back! And for the rest of that day when I would go to the bathroom I would still see the pink when I wipe. I am wondering now is it because of us making love?
I will buy a pregnancy test today just to make sure.



October 19, 2014 - 12:24pm


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