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EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I am glad that your HS is under control and also that you found something that has helped your flares. My guess is that you have not met many with HS based on your response. I've met others from all over the world and HS has no respect of person. Smokers and Nonsmokers,overweight and underweight,meat eater, vegetarian, vegan,daily exercise regimen or none. HS is like a stray bullet,you never know the target until it hits.

Lastly,controlling HS is also much easier when you are only a stage 1,how I wish I could have remained a stage one. The one common denominator that we have is that we have a disease that destroys lives and what works for one does not,will not,has not,worked for others. If HS were as cut and dry as your response,we would all have it under control.

June 8, 2012 - 6:28am


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