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EmpowHER Guest

Hillary the adverse reactions seem very rare until they happen to your 2 year old. After 7 vaccines in 1 day may son screamed for 12 hrs, went stiff in my arms and later had a febrile seizure. Now at 10 yrs old he can barely speak and care for himself despite the best behavioral and medical interventions available.

The choice isn't to vaccinate or not vaccinate. All parents like me want are safer vaccines and a safer schedule. The chances of my 18month old who never left the state of CT contracting rubella was beyond minute. The chance of him having a severe fevers afterwards was actually higher. The IOM only looked at doctor reported adverse reactions. Until recently pediatricians never reported adverse reactions until there was a death or hospitalization. I was, in fact, discouraged from taking my son to the ER. I wish I had!

Let's use some common sense. No American children are disposable. We need a safer schedule and an actual role for consumers (not just those vested in the medical and vaccine community) in these safety discussions at the IOM.

August 31, 2011 - 6:20am


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