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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I wrote this at the end of my marriage. It's been a year and I'm pretty sure that it was me remembering all the pain he put me through that i had forgotten about during all the times he was nice to me.  I remember the push and pull in the beginning but after I had his daughter everything changed and he did alot of pushing after that.  Accusing me of cheating, looking up my phone bill to call every single of my friends, vandalizing my house the first out of 5 times I left him.  The first time I escaped to my mother's 2 hours away and he filed a court order to make me bring my daughter back to the county we lived in.  He made sure I couldnt even survive financially without him let alone emotionally.  By the end, he had me exactly where he wanted me.  At the end of the world, isolated from my family and friends.  I didnt figure out the game until he tried to turn me against my sons.  It's weird how every story I read is all the same.  People trying to put together this puzzle that doesn't fit.  Most people try so hard to figure it out by thinking about what this person has done to them but until they actually figure out what they are doing to them on the inside and the scars they will leave behind, will they begin to understand. 

June 17, 2016 - 5:36am


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