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Anonymous (reply to Jennifer15)

Man this is a year old but it sound s like me. I've been with my spouse for 23 years and have dealt with him always looking like the good guybit I'm just an angry B. I know how you feel. I'm always to blame. If he yells at me, then it's my fault. If I speak up for myself somehow it's gets turned around and I am at fault. I've thought about leaving, even discussed divorce but it was supposed to get better but hasn't really. He really isn't a bad person, with every one else that is. He's great! Different with me though. Made a vow that there would be no affection from him early on in our marriage, that I would have to come to him and stuck with it. So no hugs or true affecton unless he's fronting in front of someone. I try and keep trying to forgive but man its gard. He even says sorry sometimes but I don't feel he means it half the time cause I'm the problem. Grant it, I k ow when I've done something wrong and try to apologize but I'm not the only one doing wrong although I'm the only one suffering for it. Although to hear him, I'm the real issue. This is whatgoes through my head. I try to pray but probably not enough. It's been ok for awhile then we go back to the same stuff. I really don't want to give up on my marriage but it's hard being the only one to accept responsibility. I don't no why to do but thinking about counseling. He didn't want to go when we talked about divorce before. I'll probably go by myself. If it doesn't work out so be it. I just want be happy!

April 4, 2016 - 11:02am


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