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EmpowHER Guest

I am 45 and living with my partner for nearly 6 years. When we met he was charming, paid attention to me, sent me flowes and listened to me. I loved him, but only moving in with him I realized that his excessive drinking was not only on social occasions but happening all the time. He would not act like a drunk person but his personality would change and he would start saying things that would cause arguments. in the beginning I thought it will stop if he sees how it effects our relationship. When we were having arguments he would ignore me for days and lock himself in the bedroom. I woud stand outside, knock and beg to come in and to talk about it. he would punish me when I raised any issue by not talking to me. the period between these instances became shorter. I am never heard, he does not show affection, he does not make eye contact when he speaks to me. I so wanted this to work. I am living a lie not telling the people in my life how things are at home. I would feel embarrassed in my failure. I started getting ulcers and actually feel physically sick when things are bad in our home. Now no more than 3 days passes withour an incident. I am crying all the time, lost my confidence and hopeless

March 19, 2016 - 8:39pm


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