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(reply to Anonymous)

Thank you for this. I am sitting here crying because I tried to tell my husband how I feel. He didn't validate any of my feelings at all. He says I am attacking his character. I love him and I have always told him all of the great things about him like he is so hardworking,and can fix anything. Any time he is good with the kids I let him know. I have begged, and cried, for him to just be nice and show me love. He says it is my fault, that all I do is complain, and that is why he is so cold to me. Your story is my story. He doesn't know how much he takes my heart and throws it away like it is worth nothing. He only sees it from his view. 20 years I have never left never cheated. Only in my daydreams. And they are always about a man who listens to me and thinks I'm important. Loves just to be with me and doesn't think I need to be criticized or neglected. How do I love myself enough to show him he can't treat me like this?? Thank you for your story it is giving me strength.

June 16, 2015 - 1:51pm


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