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EmpowHER Guest

Don't blame yourselves ladies. The problem is within your husband. I was one of these husbands for 20 years, and really loved my wife. I'm a perfectionist, If everything is perfect I'm guaranteed to find something to complain about. The problem is most men don't realize how deeply words cut and scar. Most men are tough skinned and words and negative comments don't stick with them like they do in a woman. My wife told me for 20 years that I was hurting her inside. I thought she was crazy how can words hurt that bad?It took 2 affairs on her behalf before I finally woke up. What she did was a bad decision, but her telling me I need anger management or counseling or medication never phased me. Your husbands need to know how bad they are hurting you and ruining their marriage. They need to see this through your eyes, and that's not possible. There needs to be a film on this so a man can see what he is doing and how badly he is scaring you. If they could only see into your hearts trust me they would be devastated. Try to get them to go to counseling whatever it takes. Tell them you love them, and you will even go with them. If they don't get help they will eventually ruin your marriage. God Bless All of You! CC

June 16, 2015 - 11:57am


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