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EmpowHER Guest

I have been married for 12 years, but we have been together for 17. We used to laugh, enjoy things together. He still seems to want to do things, but I dread our alone time together. I literally cannot find anything in common anymore except our children. He constantly complains about our house, our children, US! It makes me feel like a failure as a mother. I gave up a very lucrative career. He has insulted everything about me, my family, my housekeeping, my looks, my thoughts, etc.... I have completely shut down because he goes on the attack if a disagreement comes up. We haven't tried counseling yet. Is it worth it? We both come from families where divorce is considered a very last resort. But I feel relieved at the thought of being free of him. Any success from others would be appreciated.

May 31, 2015 - 9:11pm


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