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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I hear you. You've been invalidated for a long time. This will not likely change. I remember hearing a counselor tell me - you can either change the way you view your situation or you can leave. For a long time, I tried to change the way I viewed the situation. I couldn't. Finally by the grace of God I was able to find the courage to just get out. I was able to rely on family for financial support but I was prepared to lean on the women's shelter. I contacted them and was pretty confident in the person I talked to... ultimately I didn't have to. I hope you find that same confidence. I am now raising my children by myself in my own apartment. I am SO much happier. 25 years later. I have had to work hard to separate myself from him, though - be prepared for some hard work because you will be tempted to go back.

May 25, 2015 - 5:23am


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