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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I can relate to what you are saying, i have been in an abusive marriage for 20 years and although i knew something was wrong, i just learnt to accept it. I have been asleep all this time and it wasn't untill my 14 year old said to me , " mum, why do you let dad talk go you like that!"
Boy did that open my eyes!! I have been enabling his abuse because i wouldn't say anything, just to keep the peace in our family.
We are still living together, we are both at conselling, but i know that abuse is deeply ingrained in him so not sure what the outcome is . I have detached emotionally from him becuse it has come down to self preservation now, i can't afford to have conversation or act normal around him because i will find myself stuck in his web again, and i am so worried that i'll end up going crazy!
I have to do so quick healig with the kids as they have seen the abuse for too long as well... My son 12 year old son has developed tics and is afraid of being left alone in a room, there might be something there and i have to take him to a pediatrition ...
I wish you all the best being couragous, you can do it!
I have started a hobby and reading about self confidence and this has helped.

May 15, 2015 - 2:50pm


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