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EmpowHER Guest

We have a 37 year marriage going on here. We married at 19 and 20 years old. He is a successful business owner and I trained as a RN and was able to primarily stay home to raise four kids. Now all launched successfully.

We do "parent" well together.

Your article (after years of self help books and short counceling sessions alone) has so perfectly put into words what I believe has been at the heart of our un happy marriage relationship.

HE DID READ IT ... no comment to me on his thoughts. I don't believe he will say a thing.

We will stay married and refuse to split the family.

I would like to feel hopeful for change. But, like you said he probably won't unless he sees his part in our sad relationship.

Gratitude for all I have and thankfulness for the "good stuff" all around me along with supportive family and a few close friends I trust ... and NOW your article ... I will continue to do this.

BUT... can you send me a bit of encouragement?

March 26, 2015 - 6:26pm


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