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Hello, I've been married for 25 years. People were thinking we had a good marriage. Because we took care of the outside. I followed instinctively my husband in that role. Until I started 5 years ago a social study. Because of this, happily I discovered that our marriage was just nothing. Just holding up appearances. There was never the two way round relationship. What I putted in, never cae back. Only my cooking and cleaning were complimented. So I started to become honest and I told him that I would not work anymore on this lie of us.
His life collapsed while I was telling him this. He did not see the point. He still sees it as my point of view. For he thinks he is a good husband.
But without love a husband is no husband at all.
I quited. Now I feel better without him. Only it is not the way I could imagine it would be. But time will heal.

March 13, 2015 - 6:40am


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